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Badges are awards you can give your students to support their scholastic efforts, achievements, and anything else you'd like to reinforce. Use Schoology badges, create custom badges, or import badges from Resources to creatively engage members of your course and add incentives for achieving particular outcomes in your course.


  • Never expire

  • Are not archived or become unassociated from students when a course is archived

  • Are not supported in courses containing more than 10,000 members

Manage badges

Before you can award badges to students, you must add badges to the course. Badges will then be available for all sections of the course.

Any role with the Administer courses permission enabled at the system level can add and award badges in any course.

Create badges in Resources

Optionally, create badges in Resources to prepare badges for a course. 

  1. Select Resources.

  2. Choose the Personal or Group collection in which you want to create the badge.

  3. Click Add Resources and select Add Badge.

  4. Complete the form and click Submit.

Add badges

  1. Navigate to a course and select Badges.

  2. Select starter badges and click Add. Alternatively, from Add Badges, choose an option.

    • Create new badge

      1. Complete the form and click Submit.

    • Import from Resources

      1. Find and select the badge and then click Import.

    • Schoology badges

      1. Select the badges and then click Add.

Remove badges

Removing a badge from a course also revokes it from any student to which it was awarded.

  1. Navigate to a course and select Badges.

  2. For the selected badge, open the list and choose Delete.

  3. Click Delete again. The badge will be removed from all sections of the course.

Award badges

  1. Navigate to a course and select Badges.

  2. Choose how you want to award badges:

    • To award a badge to all members of the course:

      1. Locate the badge you want to award.

      2. Open the list and select Award All.

    • To award a badge to a particular student:

      1. Locate the student in the list.

      2. Click the cell in the corresponding badge column. The awarded badge displays a checkmark.

Revoke badges

  1. Navigate to a course and select Badges.

  2. Choose how you want to revoke badges:

    • To revoke a badge from all members of the course:

      1. Locate the badge you want to award.

      2. Open the list and select Revoke All.

    • To revoke a badge from a particular student:

      1. Locate the student in the list.

      2. Click the checkmark in the corresponding badge column. The badge will no longer be displayed.

Share badges

You can share your badge creations with your other courses and other educators.

Share badges with other courses you administer

  1. Navigate to a course and select Badges.

  2. Open the list for your custom badge and select Copy to Courses.

  3. Select the courses to which you want to add the badge.

  4. Click Copy to display it in the Badges area of the selected courses.

Share badges with other educators

  1. Navigate to a course and select Badges.

  2. Open the list for your custom badge and select Save to Resources.

  3. Select the collection and optionally, the folder to which you want to add the badge.

  4. Click Save Copy.

Student badge notification

Students receive a menu notification for newly received badges. To review a description of the badge, students select the badge link.

Students can find a repository of all their badges from their user profiles.

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