Building Managed Assessments with Certica Navigate Item Bank (AMP)
The Certica Navigate Item Bank integration is designed for districts looking for reliable, high-quality content in ELA and Math for grades K-12, Science for grades 3-12, and Social Studies for grades 5-12.
Schoology AMP customers can purchase access to Certica content and use it seamlessly within Schoology. If you are interested in this integration, please reach out to your Schoology representative.
Once the integration has been enabled for your organization, Certica Navigate Item Bank will display as an option in the menu to associate question banks with a managed assessment in AMP.
Step 1 — Open the Certica Navigate Item Bank from a Managed Assessment
Within your managed assessment, click From Question Banks and select Certica Navigate Item Bank to launch the item bank. The Certica Navigate Item Bank displays in a full-screen modal:
Step 2 — Search the Navigate Item Bank
To search for items, select search criteria from the drop-down menus in the search panel. You can search by Learning Objective, Subject, Question Type, Difficulty, Depth of Knowledge, Language, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Keyword.
In order for an item to display in the search results, it must match all search criteria. If no items are returned in the search results, make the query less restrictive by removing some criteria and try again.
Search results display the metatags associated with the items. Click Next and Previous to page through the list of results.
Search by Learning Objective
Begin with the State Item Coverage Report for your state to identify which learning objectives have Certica items aligned for use. You can find the document for your state at the end of this article.
The document lists the Learning Objective reference. If the Learning Objective is not listed, then there are no Certica items aligned to that standard.
It is possible to search by a Learning Objective reference that is not aligned and return no results or a list of items that do not align with the Learning Objective for which you searched. Always check the Learning Objective reference from the State Item Coverage Report for aligned objectives before you run your search.
To search by Learning Objective:
- Enter the reference from the spreadsheet into the Select Learning Objectives search field.
- Click the reference when it displays in the auto-populated drop-down list.
- Click New Search.
- Click the title of an item within the search results to preview the item and see all of the Learning Objectives to which the item is aligned.
Step 3 — Preview the Item
Click the item reference number (such as ITEM-LOGIC--651335) to preview the item. From the item preview, you can review the item, check the aligned learning objective, and view the correct answer via the Show Answers option.
Items associated with passages contain the Passages meta tag. Search for Shared Passage items by selecting Shared Passage from the Question Type search field.
The preview area for a shared passage item displays the passage on one side of the screen and the selected item on the other side. Other items associated with this passage are also displayed below the selected item.
Step 4 — Add the Item to the Managed Assessment
To add an item to the managed assessment, click Add to Assessment. Once the item has been added successfully, you can return to your search results or create a new search.
To add one or more items directly from the search results, check the item's box, and click Add to Assessment.
If you add a shared passage item, and then add additional items associated with that passage later, the items will still be added to the same shared passage question in your managed assessment. It will not generate a new question in the assessment. If you wish to create different versions of a shared passage question and keep them as separate items, you can add them to a managed assessment question bank instead. Items that belong to the same passage that are added to a question bank later are not included in the same question in the bank, i.e. a new question is generated in your question bank. This allows you to create different versions of a shared passage question.
To exit the Certica Navigate Item Bank and return to the managed assessment, click the X.
Once the items have been added to a managed assessment, you can set the possible points per item, rearrange the items on the assessment, make the assessment active, and distribute the assessment to courses.
Editing Items
If items have been added from the Certica Navigate Item Bank to a Managed Question Bank, Assessment Team members can edit those items. Edit the question and answer setup directly in the item from the question bank:
Once an item is added to a managed assessment, Assessment Team members may edit the point value directly in the managed assessment before it is made active and distributed to course sections: