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Bulk edit courses


The Bulk Edit feature, available in the gradebook and materials index, lets you adjust settings associated with graded assignments, tests, quizzes, and discussions from a single page.

The course must include at least one graded item to use bulk edit.

Access bulk edit

From the gradebook

  1. Navigate to a course and select Gradebook.

  2. From the More Menu (three vertical dots icon), select Bulk Edit.

From the materials index

  1. Navigate to a course and select Materials.

  2. From All Materials, choose a material type from the list.

  3. From Options, select Bulk Edit from the list.

Use bulk edit

From Bulk Edit, you can:

  • Delete an item.

  • Review and edit the following information:

    • Name

    • Grading category

    • Maximum point value

    • Factor

    • Grading scale or rubric

    • Due date and time

    • Grading period

For courses with linked sections, the published section is displayed next to the due date:

Midterm and final assignments, tests, quizzes, assessments, and discussions are displayed as links at the end of the bulk edit list. Select the item title to edit the material.

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