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Schoology provides a great way for educators to connect with other educators, either within an organization or globally throughout Schoology.

Connections offer a way to share with other educators on Schoology on an individual level, rather than via a shared School, Group, or Course.

Why should I connect with other users?

Connecting with other users gives you two advantages:

  1. You can more easily share information with connections.
  2. You can limit your account privacy settings to connections.

    Schoology Basic users must have verified their accounts in order to use the Connections feature. Enterprise users' ability to add connections depends on the settings in place at their school or organization. Please reach out to your Support Contact with any questions.

Who can I connect with?

In general, faculty roles can connect with other faculty roles. This means an instructor in one school can connect with another instructor in a different school, enabling educators to connect from around the world.

Since students and parents are not considered faculty, they cannot form connections with other users. In some cases, the System Administrator (Enterprise) at a school or organization may place some restrictions on the users with whom you may connect.

What are the requirements for connections?

Schoology Basic accounts must have a verified account in order to use connections. Educators using Schoology Enterprise can use connections based on settings in place at their school or organization. Reach out to your Support Contact if you're unsure.

Additionally, your profile must be listed in the Schoology directory to allow other educators to search for you and send a connection request.

To list your profile in the Schoology directory:

  1. Click your name in the upper-right corner of Schoology.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Privacy Settings.
  4. Under Search Settings, check List profile in Schoology directory.

How do I find connections?

Educators can be found using the search tool in the header of your Schoology account.

To search for a specific person:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon in the top menu.
  2. Enter the user's name and press the search icon or the Enter/Return key.
  3. A list of users should appear in the search results. Look for the user with whom you'd like to connect.
  4. Click on the Connect icon to the right of the user.

You may also see faculty information from the School profile:

  1. Click the down-facing arrow in the upper right of the screen.
  2. Click the name of your school or organization.
  3. Click Faculty in the left menu.
  4. Click the name of the user with whom you'd like to connect.
  5. Click the Connect button to the right.

You may also access users' profiles by clicking their name. If you're not yet connected with the user, you'll see the same icon to connect. In some cases, the school or organization may not allow the user account to connect with other users. In other cases, the user may not have verified their accounts on Schoology, which prevents their ability to connect with other users.

Privacy Settings

Once you’ve made a connection with another user, you’ll notice an additional column in your personal account settings for Connections. This additional threshold enables you to tighten certain privacy settings so that only those with whom you’re connected have access to view the information in your personal profile. It also enables you to determine users with whom you may communicate through Schoology messages.

Share Information

Personal Updates

You can also easily update or share information with your connections by creating a personal update. Normally, users must navigate to your profile to view your personal updates. However, when you have a connection, personal updates of connected users appear in the Recent Activity feed on your Home page.


Connections also enable you to easily share personal resource collections. When you navigate to your personal resources and click on a collection other than your Home collection, you’ll notice a Share button. This Share button enables you to share with faculty at your school, and with connected users.

When one of your connections shares a resource with you, you receive a menu notification in your account letting you know who shared and what they shared with you.

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