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Course analytics (enterprise)


Use Course Analytics for insights into students' Schoology use at the course level.

Course analytics are not available on Schoology Basic.

Course Analytics provides:

  • Consistent tracking of Schoology usage across web, iOS, and Android apps.

  • An insight dashboard so instructors can understand their students' Schoology use, materials access, and time spent on those materials.

To access Course Analytics, navigate to a course and select Analytics.

Course analytics report dashboard

The dashboard includes data for each course member. Optionally, choose an option from the Select Section list to review data for members in a specific section or all sections,

Course analytics data 


Last Schoology Access

Date and time course members last accessed Schoology

Last Course Material Access

Date and time of the last material course members accessed within your course

Total Time Spent

Total amount of time that course members spent within your course

  • Course Analytics is updated hourly.

  • Timestamps are based on the time zone set in your Account Settings.

Student detail report

Choose a course member from the Course Analytics report dashboard to review their usage data for specific course materials. Optionally, choose an option from the Select Material Type List to review usage by material type.

Student detail data 



Course material title

Select the title to review the material details.

Last Access

Date and timestamp of last access for the material

Timestamps are based on the time zone set in your Account Settings.


Submission status and date submitted

Total Submissions

Total number of submissions

Total Time Spent

Total amount of time spent accessing the material

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