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Course and group moderation


Use course and group moderation to monitor members' comments before publication. When moderation is enabled, you must approve each update, comment, or response in the course or group before it is available to other group members.

When a student comments in a moderated course or group, the following message appears: Your update post is pending moderator approval.

Enable moderation

  1. Select Courses or Groups and choose the course or group to moderate.

  2. From Course Options or Group Options, select Moderate Posts from the list.

  3. From Moderate, select Enable Moderation.

  4. Click Enable.

Approve or delete pending comments

  1. Select Courses or Groups and choose the course or group to moderate.

  2. Click Moderate from the pending updates and comments banner. Alternatively, from Course Options or Group Options, select Moderate Posts from the list.

  3. From Moderate, select an individual or all comments, review, and then click Approve or Delete

Disable moderation

  1. Select Courses or Groups and choose the course or group to moderate.

  2. From Course Options or Group Options, select Moderate Posts from the list.

  3. From Moderate, select Disable Moderation.

  4. Click Disable.

Review deleted updates and comments

  1. Select Courses or Groups and choose the course or group to moderate.

  2. From Course Options or Group Options, select Moderate Posts from the list.

  3. From Moderate, select Deleted.

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