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Course attendance


Navigate to the Attendance area of courses you administer to take attendance and add attendance-related comments for students on individual days.

Take attendance

  1. Navigate to a course and select Attendance.

  2. Select Start. Alternatively, select a cell to make attendance adjustments.

  3. Click an icon to mark the student present, absent, late, or excused.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Your changes will not be saved if you navigate away from the Attendance page or change weeks or sections before saving your changes.

Class attendance status

The Class Attendance Status row indicates whether attendance has been taken for a specific date.

Class attendance statuses



  • Displays Start on the current day and any days in the past when the course was scheduled to meet.

  • Course admins can:

    • Select Start to fill that day’s attendance column with present icons.

    • Click a cell to start taking attendance. The Class Attendance Status for that day will display Not Saved.

Not Saved

  • Display Not Saved when a course admin has made changes or clicked Start, without saving the changes.
    Your changes will not be saved if you navigate away from the Attendance page or change weeks or sections before saving your changes.


  • Displays Saved for current or past days where attendance has been taken and saved.

  • Days in the future never display Saved, even if a teacher has already added comments or attendance exceptions.


  • The attendance taken status will be blank for future days and days in the past when a class wasn't scheduled to meet.

Add comments

  1. Navigate to a course and select Attendance.

  2. Select Start. Alternatively, select a cell to make attendance adjustments.

  3. Click the comment icon from the student's cell.

  4. Enter your comment.

  5. Optionally, select Display to Student. The student attendance report will display the comments. When not selected, only course and system admins can review the comments.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Assign course meeting days

Attendance reflects the Meetings Days configured in the Course Info area.

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. From Course Options, choose Edit Info.

  3. Select Details.

  4. From Meets Every, select the days on which your course meets.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Review attendance reports

  1. Navigate to a course and select Attendance.

  2. Hover over a student’s cell in the attendance chart to review the number of Absent, Late, and Excused markings and comments the student has received while in your course. Alternatively, click the bar graph icon to display their attendance summary and comments.

Print attendance reports

  1. Navigate to a course and select Attendance.

  2. Click the print icon.

  3. Select students, and then click Generate Report.

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