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Course materials: Pages (instructors)

Create a custom page to share information with students using text, images, videos, and HTML. You can also upload files, embed videos, and customize the layout.

Script embed codes are not supported in Schoology.

Create pages

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select Add Materials and choose Add Page from the list.

  3. Enter the page content.

    • Click Insert Contents to embed images, videos, or equations into the editor.

    • Toggle between Visual and HTML versions of the page editor.

    • Attach a file, link, resource, audio or video recording (enterprise only), or external tool.

  4. Click Create.

You can also create pages in course folders or add them to folders after creating them.

Display content inline

By default, students must select a page to display its content. However, you can choose to display a page inline, so its contents are expanded and accessible from the Materials page or the folder level, without having to click the page.

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Select the page’s gear icon and choose Edit from the list.

  3. From Options, deselect the ABC icon.

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