Course Materials: SCORM Packages and Web Content (Enterprise only)
Add Web Content or SCORM packages to your course to integrate content you may have available from another system (SCORM is only available to Enterprise users). Schoology supports SCORM versions 1.1 and 1.2 as well as 2004 - version 4.
Adding SCORM Packages
To add a SCORM package:
- Click Add Materials.
- Select Add Package.
- Select SCORM.
- Attach the file from the computer or device.
Click Next.
The SCORM package must be a ZIP file. There is a size limit of 10 GB per file.
Package Properties
Package Properties allow you to configure the basic settings of your SCORM package. Edit Package Properties at any time by clicking the gear icon and selecting Edit Package Properties.
To edit Package Properties:
- Title - Enter a title for the package. This is what students will access on the Course Materials page.
- Attempt Limit - Choose how many attempts students are allowed.
Grading - Choose Enable SCORM Grading or Enable SCO Grading.
Enabling SCORM Grading will create one grading column in the gradebook for the SCORM package. Enabling SCO Grading may create multiple grading columns in the gradebook (depending on the SCORM package contents).
Launch Properties
Launch Properties allow you to customize the options available to students when they launch the SCORM package.
Click the gear icon and select Edit Launch Properties from the dropdown:
- Show Navigation Bar — Displays the navigation tools in the SCORM player. This must be enabled to enable Show Progress and Enable Flow Navigation.
- Show Finish Button — With this enabled, the SCORM player will display Return to LMS to the student.
- Show Progress Bar — Displays the student's progress in the SCORM player as they complete the package.
- Enable Flow Navigation — Displays Previous/Next in the SCORM player when launched.
Enable Choice Navigation — This allows the student to navigate throughout the course by clicking on links in the course structure.
Enable Choice Navigation will have no effect if Show Course Structure is disabled.
- Show Title Bar — Displays the title of the SCORM package when launched. This may be different from the title entered into the Title field in Schoology.
- Show Course Structure — This determines if the SCORM Player should make the course structure available to the student.
Grading SCORM Packages
Enable grading for SCORM Packages to create one or more columns in the grade book, and a grade based on the settings provided.
To enable grading for SCORM Packages:
- Click the gear for the SCORM item
- Select Edit Package Properties
- Check either Enable SCORM Grading or Enable SCO Grading
- Click the item name under Package Contents
- Check Enable Grading
- Populate the grading information
- Title - Enter a title for the package. This is what students will access on the Course Materials page.
- Points - Enter the maximum number of points a student can earn for completing this package.
- Grade Type - Check your SCORM publishing settings to determine the Grade Type you should choose on this screen. You may need to contact the person who initially published the SCORM package to find this information.
- Category - Choose a Grading Category you've created from the dropdown, or choose Create new category.
- Scale - Select a grading scale from the scales you've created in the Grade Setup area of your course.
- Period - select a grading period from the drop-down menu.
SCORM Settings
Adjust SCORM Settings to configure grading for all SCORM packages within a course, and set SCORM default grade settings (optional) for all SCORM packages in a course.
In a course, click Course Options and select Edit Info:
- Select SCORM Settings.
- Check Enable SCORM Course Default Settings (optional).
- Check either Enable SCORM Grading or Enable SCO Grading.
Populate the default grading information for all SCORM items in your course.
Adding Web Content
Uploading Web Content converts the entire ZIP file, typically a website or webpage, into a single website package. The contents are displayed within an iFrame in Materials of a course.
To add Web Content:
- Click Add Materials.
- Select Add Package.
- Select Web Content.
- Attach the file. (ZIP format only)
Click Submit.
- The Web Content package must be a ZIP file. There is a size limit of 10 GB per file.
- The .html file within the folder must be named index.html. Schoology will not identify the content to display as an iFrame package if index.html does not exist within the ZIP file.
- Individual files within the Web Content package will not be editable after being uploaded to Schoology.
Once uploaded, the Web Content will be available in the Materials list within the course. Click the uploaded Web Content to access it within an iFrame in Schoology.