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Course materials: SCORM packages and web content (enterprise)

Add web content or SCORM packages to your course to integrate content you may have available from another system. Schoology supports SCORM versions 1.1, 1.2, and 2004 version 4.

Adding SCORM packages and web content is not available on Schoology Basic.

Add SCORM packages or web content

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select Add Materials and choose Add Package from the list.

  3. Select SCORM or Web Content.

  4. Attach the file from your computer or device and select any details.

  5. Click Next.

The SCORM package must be a ZIP file. There is a size limit of 10 GB per file.

Edit package properties

Configure the basic settings of your SCORM package.

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select the package’s gear icon and choose Edit package properties.

  3. Enter or select the package properties.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Edit launch properties

Customize the options available to students when they launch the SCORM package.

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select the package’s gear icon and choose Edit launch properties.

  3. Select the launch properties. Refer to the Launch properties details table for more information.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Launch properties details



Show Navigation Bar

Displays navigation tools in the student’s SCORM player. Must be selected to enable Show Progress and Enable Flow Navigation.

Show Finish Button

Displays Return to LMS in the student’s SCORM player.

Show Progress Bar

Displays the package completion progress in the student’s SCORM player.

Enable Flow Navigation

Displays Previous/Next in the student’s SCORM player. Requires Show Navigation Bar to be enabled.

Enable Choice Navigation

Allows the student to navigate the course by clicking links in the course structure. Requires Show Navigation Bar to be enabled.

Show Title Bar

Displays the SCORM package title when launched. This may differ from the title entered in the Title field.

Show Course Structure

Determines if the course structure should be available from the student’s SCORM player.

Enable SCORM package grading

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select the package’s gear icon and choose Edit package properties.

  3. Enter or select the package properties.

    • Select Enable SCORM grading to create one grading column in the gradebook for the SCORM package.

    • Select Enable SCO grading to create multiple grading columns in the gradebook, depending on the SCORM package contents.

  4. From Package Contents, select the item.

  5. Select Enable Grading.

  6. Enter the information.

    • The student’s Course Materials page will display the title.

    • Check the SCORM publishing settings to determine the Grade Type to choose. You may need to contact the person who initially published the SCORM package for this information.

  7. Click Save Changes.

Adjust SCORM settings

Configure grading for all SCORM packages within a course and optionally, set SCORM default grade settings for all SCORM packages in a course.

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select Course Options and choose Edit Info from the list.

  3. Select SCORM Settings.

  4. Optionally, select Enable SCORM Course Default Settings.

  5. Select Enable SCORM Grading or Enable SCO Grading.

  6. Enter the default grading information.

  7. Click Submit.

Upload web content

Convert an entire ZIP file, typically a website or webpage, into a single website package so contents are displayed in the course materials as an iFrame.

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Select Add Materials and choose Add Package.

  3. Select Web Content.

  4. Attach the ZIP file.

  5. Click Submit.

  • The web content package must be a ZIP file. There is a 10M per file size limit.

  • The HTML file in the folder must be named index.html. Schoology will not identify the content to display as an iframe package if index.html does not exist in the ZIP file.

  • Individual files in the web content package are not editable after being uploaded.

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