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Course privacy settings


Course admins can adjust the privacy settings on each course they administer to control who can review and access all areas of their course.

Edit privacy settings

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. From Course Options, select Edit Privacy/Course Settings from the list.

  3. Update the settings.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Course Privacy Settings may not be available depending on the settings in place at your school or organization. Contact your System Administrator with questions.

The page displays a Private Access Only message to users who attempt to access a prohibited course based on the course privacy settings.

Course privacy settings

Set the privacy settings for your course profile.

Privacy level



Anyone with access to the Internet, including non-Schoology members worldwide

Schoology users

Users logged in to Schoology, including Schoology users in other schools


All users in your organization such as Schoology District, Schoology High School, and Schoology Middle School


Users in the same school

Users in multiple schools can access features marked at the School privacy level in their associated buildings


Members enrolled in the course

No One

Hidden from everyone

If system administrators set the course privacy setting at the system level, course admins can only adjust course privacy settings to tighten them, not reduce them.

Other settings

Determine actions that all members or course admins can take.

Parent settings

Parents can access courses for any enrolled child associated with their account. They cannot edit, submit, or participate in the course.

Choose settings to help maintain the anonymity of course members from parents.



Anonymous member names

All member names will display Anonymous except their children and course admins.

Hide comments/posts

All member comments and posts are hidden except those posted by their children and course admins.

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