Create Course Assignments (iOS for Instructors)
Use assignments to enter tasks for students, which they can review, download, and submit, directly from within the Schoology mobile app on their iPad or iPhone, or in tandem with other resources and applications.
You can add an assignment from the following areas:
- The Home area using the Quick Post tool
- Directly within your Course.
To create an assignment:
- Tap the menu icon and then tap Home or Courses.
If creating from a course, tap one of the courses in the list to add the assignment in that course. - Tap + and tap Add Assignment.
- If you create the assignment from the Home screen, tap Post to... and tap one of your courses to add the assignment to that course.
Add a Title, Due Date, Grading Period, Category, Scale/Rubric, and Max points.
Grading Periods, Categories, Grading Scales, and Rubrics must be created in the web-based version of Schoology before they can be added to the mobile app.
- Enter the assignment description.
Additional options are available when creating an assignment:
Tap For Student submissions enabled or disabled Visible to students Grade Stats Comments enabled or disabled
- Add an attachment to the assignment to provide additional information to your students, if needed. Tap Attach, and then tap:
- Choose from Library to open your photo library.
- Take a Photo or Video to open your device's camera.
- Attach Resource to attach from your Schoology resources.
- Record Audio to access your device's microphone and record a sound clip.
Select from iOS Apps to access other apps on your device and select files.
Do not post items that won't display on a mobile device – For example, Flash videos.
- Tap the green checkmark to finish creating the assignment.