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Create courses


Courses are your online classroom. They house materials, updates, assignments, and tools for engaging students and fostering interaction. All communication and content are exclusive to course members.

  • Course creation features may vary based on your school or organization settings. Contact your Support Contact with any questions.

  • Schoology mobile apps do not support course creation.

  • You can create an unlimited number of courses.

Create a course manually

  1. Select Courses.

  2. Select My Courses.

  3. Click Create Course.

  4. Enter the course information.

    • Grading periods are only available if the System Administrator has created a list of designated grading periods. If there are no grading periods for your course, contact your Support Contact.

    • Enter or import a District Course Name to link your Schoology course to Curriculum Maps, saving time by providing the map from Schoology. With PowerSchool SIS integration, District Course Names populate automatically based on the imported Course Code.

    • Enter a Section Name to create multiple sections for the same course in your district.

  5. Click Create.

It is not recommended to change a district course name as district course names are typically used for various integrations. When changed in a Schoology course, it will break that course's Curriculum Map link.

Create sections

Create additional course sections in one of two ways.

  • Create a section from an existing course. This option does not copy course materials into the new section.

  • Create a copy of a current course section. This option copies course materials from the existing section so you can add a new class with the same materials, but a different roster of students.

Create a section from an existing course

  1. Select Courses.

  2. Select My Courses.

  3. Click Add Section for the selected course.

  4. Enter the section information.

  5. Click Create.

Create a copy of a current course section

Since this option copies existing materials and content, check the Transfer History to follow the progress of the section copy.

  1. Select Courses.

  2. Select My Courses.

  3. Select the gear icon and choose Copy Section from the list.

  4. Review and update the section information.

  5. Click Copy. After the copy process displays Completed in Transfer History, the course section will be available from Courses.

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