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Creating Course Materials for the Elementary Experience (Enterprise)

Teachers can create course materials for the Elementary Experience as they would for other courses. They can add a Featured Image to folders and materials to make the content more engaging for young learners. There is a default image, but teachers can also add their own to match their course theme and increase student interest.

  • Enable the Elementary theme in your course to use the Featured Image option. Contact your Support Contact if you can't access the Course Theme option in your course settings.
  • The Featured Image option is not available in Resources. When creating materials for elementary, teachers should first create materials in courses.

Add a featured image

  1. From your course, click Add Materials and choose the content type.
  2. Click Edit Image from the Featured Image section in the Create form.
  3. Click Upload and then select a file from your device. A file can't exceed 5 MB. Use square format images (120 x 120) to avoid distortion.
  4. Click X to confirm the image and return to the form.
  5. Fill out the remainder of the form and then click Create.

Organize my course content

The Elementary Experience allows elementary teachers to organize content into folders, for example by day or topic.

Teachers can also use the Featured Image option to add unique images to differentiate course content and folders.

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