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Gradebook One-Click SIS Sync (Enterprise Only)


This article outlines how to use the Schoology Grade Passback App in your Schoology course to sync your grades and graded items to your SIS gradebook.

After creating an assignment, test/quiz, or discussion in your Schoology course, you can then sync that item and its associated grades to your SIS Gradebook.

This Schoology Gradebook feature consists of:

  • One-Click Sync button to sync all items in a section at once with a single click.
  • Improved clarity into Sync Status and Errors:
    • Visibility into the sync status.
    • Straightforward error messages that help teachers troubleshoot issues themselves with minimal intervention from admins or trainers.
    • Consolidated sync info: One screen where the teacher sets the category and approves the import of assignment data per sync.
  • Streamlined workflow: Syncing grade item data directly from the Gradebook:
    • Grade data entry and syncing combined in one screen.

Supported SIS Gradebooks

  • PowerSchool
  • Sungard eSchoolPLUS
  • Skyward
  • Infinite Campus
  • Aeries

Syncing from the Gradebook

  1. Create a material item in your course. Assign the item to a Grading Category you've mapped to a corresponding category in PowerSchool.
  2. Sync the item and the grades to your SIS with one click directly from your Schoology Gradebook. Click the Sync icon in the upper-right corner of your Schoology Gradebook to sync all graded items at once.
  3. Clicking Sync queues the items to sync; you may navigate away from the Gradebook page while the sync progresses.
  4. The next time you load the Gradebook, a red dot displays next to the clipboard icon if any errors have occurred during the sync.
  5. Click the Clipboard icon to view the status log for the synced items in your course.
    See Understanding Your Status Log below for more information.

Syncing from the Teacher App

  1. Create the material in your Schoology Course Materials page.
    Optional: Enter students scores for the item in your Schoology Gradebook.
  2. Click the SIS app on the left side of your course.
  3. Open the Sync Grades tab to see a list of your graded items to sync to your SIS gradebook.
  4. Click Sync Changes to sync all of your graded items with one click.

Understanding your status log

Sync states

Your status log displays the title of each item, the date of the last successful sync (if applicable), and the Sync Status, which indicates whether or not a sync has successfully completed. 

  • Successful: Most recent sync was completed successfully.
  • Error: The most recent sync attempt was unsuccessful, and the item and grade information were not transferred to your SIS gradebook. Click View Error to see the error message and take action to address the issue before re-attempting the sync. 
  • Queued: The item is still in process of syncing to your gradebook, and has not yet completed successfully nor encountered an error. No action is required while the item is queued.
  • Not Yet Synced: A sync has not occurred on this item since you created it. Click Sync Changes to begin the sync.

Error messages

If an error has occurred during the sync, a red dot displays on the Sync Grades tab the next time you load the page.

Alternatively, if you sync from the Gradebook, you will see a red dot over the clipboard icon. 

Click Sync Status in the SIS app, or click the Clipboard icon in your Gradebook to view your status log.

Your status log displays the name of the item, the date of the last successful sync (if applicable), the current sync status, and any errors that may have occurred. 

If an item's sync status says Error, click View Error to the right of the Sync button in your Sync Status to view the error message. 

Error Messages and Solutions

Error: A category is required. To sync, first assign a category to this assignment, then sync again.

Solution: Adjust your mapping or create a new grading category on the Configuration page of your Teacher App.

Common eSchool errors

Error: "This assignment cannot be synced. A change has been detected in the SIS. To sync, first delete this assignment in eSchoolPlus, then sync again.”

Solution: The assignment was edited from the eSchool gradebook instead of Schoology, and the sync has been broken for this assignment.  To resolve this, clear all grades in your eSchool gradebook and delete the item from your eSchool gradebook. Then, open the eSchool App in Schoology again and re-sync the item.

Error: "The assignment could not be created. Please make sure the assignment due date is within your eSchoolPlus marking period for the section.”

Solution: This means the due date on the assignment in Schoology falls outside the grading period for this course in eSchool, OR this day is marked as a holiday or no school in eSchool. Adjust the due date in Schoology and then re-sync.

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