Use rubrics to grade course assignments and discussions by measuring performance of your students.
Rubrics may be added to the following course materials:
Assessments (subjective questions only)
Tests/Quizzes (Short Answer/Essay Question only)
Create Rubrics
You can create a custom rubric in theGrade Setuparea of a course, or you can create them directly from an assignment or graded discussion and save them inGrade Setupfor reuse.
You may also create rubrics in yourResources and copy them to any course you administer, and you can copy individual rubrics between courses or to yourResourcesfrom theGrade Setuparea of your courses.
You can add two types of criteria to a rubric:
Custom criteria that you add and update manually.
Criteria aligned to standardized learning objectives, such as Common Core or state standards.
To save a custom rubric to a course:
SelectGrade Setup in the left menu of the Course Page.
In the upper-right corner of the page, click theAddmenu in theScales-Rubricssection and then selectRubricto open the Rubric Editor.
Add aRubric Title.
To add custom criteria:
Add titles and descriptions for each learning objective.
To add additional rows of custom criteria, click+Criteriabelow the rubric.
To add standards-aligned criteria:
ClickAlign Learning Objectivebelow the rubric.
Click through the standards browser levels to each desired objective, or type keywords in the search box.
When you reach the desired learning objective, click to highlight it, and then clickAdd Learning Objectiveto add it as a criteria.
To replace the rubric’s grading scale with a custom scale from your course, clickApply Grading Scalein the upper-right corner and then select the desired point-based scale from the menu.
You can only apply point-based grading scales to rubrics. You cannot undo this action after completing it.
Use the menu items on the upper left to close, expand, or hide the rubric.
As you add rows and columns and adjust points scales, the total points available for the rubric update automatically in theTotal Ptsfield.
ClickCreateto complete.
Further customize your rubric
To add additional columns to the scale, hover over the cell and click the+icon that appears to the left and right of each cell.
To change the points and descriptions for individual grading scale levels, click into their respective fields, and add new ones.
To remove a row or column, hover over the cell and click on thexicon that appears in the upper right.
To reorder the rows, click on the double bars to the left and drag it to the appropriate location.
To create a rubric directly from a course discussion or assignment:
Create the discussion or assignment, or click the gear icon to the right and selectEditin the menu to open an existing discussion or assignment.
Open theScale/Rubricmenu and selectCreate Newto open the Rubric Editor.
Follow the above instructions to create a rubric, starting at step 4, to complete the rubric.
Adding Criteria, Learning Objectives, and Grading Scales to Rubrics
The first two rows in theCriteriacolumn are standards-aligned criteria. Click +Learning Objectivesto add standards-based criteria to your rubric, and track your students' progress on these criteria in Mastery.
The second two rows are custom criteria. Click +Criteriato create your own criteria to add to the rubric.
Alternatively, you may choose one of your grading scales from the menu to replace the rubric’s current grading scale. Click Apply Grading Scalein the upper-right corner of the rubric to apply your scale to your rubric.
Use Rubrics for Grading
Rubrics cannot be used to grade an entire Test/Quiz or Assessment. Rather, they can be used to evaluate a specific question on a test, such as a short answer question.
Only one rubric may be added to a course material or item. It is not possible to add multiple rubrics to one item.
To add rubrics to assignments or graded discussions:
Create an assignment or graded discussion, or click the gear icon to the right of an existing material and selectEdit.
Click on theScale/Rubricmenu.
Select an existing rubric, or create a new one specific to the graded item.
Changing the Overall Score of a Rubric-Graded Assignment
You can also change the overall score of the assignment in the rubric without changing any of the scores for the individual criteria — for example, if you need to lower the grade for a late submission, but don’t want student mastery reporting to inaccurately reflect a lack of understanding of a criterion in the rubric.
To change the overall score in the rubric, click in theTotal Ptscell, and add the new score. After changing the score, aclear overridelink displays below the score — click this link to revert the score back to the total of the individual criterion scores.
Display Rubrics to Students
When you add a rubric to a graded item, you'll see the option toShow to studentsduring the editing or creation process. Enable this checkbox to let members of the course view the rubric in the assignment or discussion profile.
When your students view the assignment description, the rubric is included with the description.
Edit, Copy, Delete, or Save to Resources
When you change an existing rubric, the change applies to the rubric in all the materials that use the rubric throughout the course. If you want to change a rubric for a specific item, we recommend that you create a new rubric instead of adjusting an existing one.
Changes made to a rubric do not affect copies of the rubric that you have added to other courses.
To edit a rubric:
Click the name of the rubric inGrade Setupor from theEditoption after clicking the gear icon to the right of the graded item.
To add additional columns to the scale, hover over the cell and click on the+icon that displays to the left and right of each cell.
To change the points and descriptions for individual grading scale levels, click into their respective fields, and add new ones.
To remove a row or column, hover over the cell and click on thexicon that appears in the upper-right.
To reorder the rows, click on the double bars to the left and drag the criterion to the desired row.
ClickSaveto save your changes.
You can also copy a rubric you’ve created in one course and add it to any other courses in which you’re an Administrator.
To copy a rubric and add it to a different course in which you are an Administrator:
InGrade Setup, clickRubricsin theScales/Rubricsarea to display a list of all rubrics in your course.
Click the gear icon next to the rubric you want to copy.
SelectCopy to Coursein the menu that displays.
In theCopy tomenu, click the box next to each course to which you want to copy your rubric.
ClickAddto add the rubric to each course you selected in the list.
To copy all rubrics and add to a different course in which you are an Administrator:
InGrade Setup,click Copy Settingson the top right of the page.
UnderSelect Settings to Copy, check the box next toRubrics.
Select each course you wish the rubrics to be copied over to.
ClickCopyto complete.
To delete a rubric:
InGrade Setup, clickRubricsin theScales/Rubricsarea to display a list of all rubrics in your course.
Click the gear icon next to the rubric you want to delete and selectDelete. To delete a rubric, it cannot be associated with any graded items. TheDeleteoption is grayed out on the menu for any rubric that is in use in the course. The number of graded items associated with the rubric displays below the rubric name. In the screenshot above, for example,Mixed Rubricis being used in one graded item andDiscussion Rubricin two.
Once you have removed the rubric from all graded items, clickDeletein the menu to remove the rubric from the course.
You cannot retrieve rubrics after deleting them from a course. Deleting a rubric is a permanent action.
To save a rubric to your Resources area:
InGrade Setup, clickRubricsin theScales/Rubricsarea to display a list of all rubrics in your course.
Click the gear icon next to the rubric you want to copy.
SelectSave to Resources in the menu that displays.
In theSave Rubric to Resources menu, select the Collection and the Folder in your Resources to which you want to add the Rubric.
ClickSave Copy to add the rubric to the Resource area you selected.
Copy Gradebook Settings
You can copy grading categories, scales, and rubrics from one course to another course you administer.
To copyGradebooksettings:
In the upper-right of the course'sGrade Setuparea, clickCopy Settings.
Select the options you'd like to copy to another course.
ClickCopyto complete.
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