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How do I align and grade materials with the Standards-Based Gradebook/District Mastery?

If your school or district uses the new District Mastery feature, you can use the standards-based grade book, when enabled.

Districts using the new District Mastery feature can enable the standards-based gradebook by school. 

Align materials

Align district learning objectives to Personal Resources, Groups Resources, and all materials in a course allowing alignments, including assignments, assessments, tests/quizzes, discussions, pages, files, links, external tools, and grade columns.

  1. Select Courses and then choose a course.
  2. From Materials, choose an option from the Add Materials list. Alternatively, from an existing material, choose Edit from the Action Links (gear icon).
  3. From Learning Objectives, click Align.
  4. Filter objectives starting at the top parent level and drill down until the learning objectives display.
  5. Choose the learning objectives to align.
  6. Optionally, choose learning objectives from different parents.
  7. Click Align.

When course materials are aligned with district learning objectives, the system automatically generates a grading rubric based on those objectives.  You can evaluate the student's submission by each learning objective according to your district’s mastery scale. To determine the score for the material in the gradebook, from the material's Gradebook Scale, select the same scale your district has in place as the Mastery Grading Scale or choose an alternative scale, such as the default Numeric scale.

Grade materials

When course materials are aligned with district learning objectives, evaluate the student's submission by each learning objective according to your district’s mastery scale.

  • The rubric is specific to the material and cannot be shared or copied across other materials.
  • Rubrics created in the course Grade Setup area cannot be used instead.
  • You must grade each aligned objective for the material. You cannot change the total or overall score for the material.

When grading, select the grading rubric icon to enter a score for each aligned district objective.

The Standards-Based Gradebook displays these objective-level scores. 

  • The objective scores automatically calculate the Total Score.
  • Both the Total Score and the Gradebook Scale selected for the material determine the score in the traditional Gradebook.
  • The Total Score in the grade book is updated when you change the learning objective scores in the rubric or edit aligned objectives. 

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