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How to use the Microsoft Teams Quick Meet app

Schoology’s integration with Microsoft Teams provides teachers and students with an easy way to create, access, and collaborate using Teams meetings within Schoology for remote learning.

This integration includes the following features:

  • Real-time sharing of audio, video, slides, chat, and your screen.
  • Teachers can hold live audio and video conferences with up to 250 participants.
  • Enable schools and organizations to deliver a high-quality learning experience to remote students.

The Teams Quick Meet app can be installed for courses and groups from the Schoology App Center. Alternatively, system administrators can install the app for all courses and groups.

This article covers the workflow for the Teams Quick Meet integration.

Install the App

Instructors can install the Microsoft Teams Quick Meet app from the Schoology App Center directly to each course or group they administer. System administrators can install the app for all courses and groups in their organization.

System Administrator installation guide

To install the app at the district level:

  1. Click the App Center icon
    at the top of Schoology, then click App Center.
  2. Locate the Teams Quick Meet app and click the title.
  3. Click Install App.
  4. Click I Agree to the terms to continue with the installation.
  5. To add the app to your school or organization, select the option to Add to Organization.

    You can also install the app for specific school buildings.

  6. You will be directed to Organization Apps to continue the installation.
  7. Click Install/Remove to the right of the app title.
  8. Select the option to install the app to All Courses and/or All Groups.
  9. Select Course admins only and/or Group admins only.

    The app should be installed for Admins only. Students should not have access to the app.

  10. Click Submit to complete.

Instructor Installation Guide

If you do not have the permission to install apps, reach out to your Support Contact.

To install the app at the course or group level:

  1. Click the App Center icon
    at the top of Schoology, then click App Center.
  2. Locate the Teams Quick Meet app and click the title.
  3. Click Install App.
  4. Select the desired course(s) and/or group(s).
  5. Select Course admins only and/or Group admins only.

    The app should be installed for Admins only. Students should not have access to the app.

  6. Click Install to complete.

Create a Teams Quick Meet Meeting

Create a Teams Quick Meet meeting directly from the app in the course or group menu, or from the Rich Text Editor tool at the course level.

If you create a Teams Quick Meet meeting from the app, it will generate a meeting link that you can copy and paste to a course or group update, calendar event, or course material.

If you create a Teams Quick Meet meeting from the Rich Text Editor tool, it will automatically display the meeting link in the description of your course material or calendar event.

You can create a Teams Quick Meet meeting from the Rich Text Editor tool in the following course areas:

  • Add Event (next to Upcoming)
  • Folder
  • Assignment
  • Discussion
  • Page
  • Test/Quiz

To create a Teams Quick Meet meeting within a course or group:

  1. Click Teams Quick Meet from the course or group profile menu.
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft account if this is your first time scheduling a meeting.
  3. Once signed in, click Create meeting link.
  4. Enter a title for your meeting.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click Copy to copy the automatically generated meeting link and paste it to a course update, calendar event, or course material.

To create a Teams Quick Meet meeting within a course item or event:

  1. From an Assignment, Discussion, Folder, Test/Quiz, Page, or Add Event, click Insert Content in the Rich Text Editor and select Teams Quick Meet:
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft account if this is your first time scheduling a meeting.
  3. Click Create meeting link.
  4. Enter a title for your meeting.
  5. Click Create. A link to the Teams Quick Meet meeting is automatically displayed in the description of the course material.
  6. Fill out the form.

    Enter a due date to display the item containing the Teams Quick Meet meeting link in your course calendar.

  7. Click Create to complete.

Join a Teams Quick Meet Meeting

To join a Teams Quick Meet meeting:

  1. Click the meeting link located in Schoology.
  2. You can choose to access the meeting from the Microsoft Teams Quick Meet desktop app or via web browser:
  3. If you have the desktop app, click the Open Microsoft Teams Quick Meet prompt:
    Alternatively, click Continue on this browser instead to join the meeting in a separate tab in your browser.

    Sign in to your Microsoft Teams Quick Meet account in a separate browser tab or on the desktop app before joining a meeting.

  4. You may be prompted to allow access to your microphone and camera. Click Allow.
  5. Click Join now to enter the meeting.

To join a Teams Quick Meet meeting from a mobile device or tablet:

  1. Download the Microsoft Teams Quick Meet app on your device and sign in to your account.
  2. Click the Teams Quick Meet meeting link located in the Schoology app.
  3. You'll be automatically directed to the Microsoft Teams Quick Meet app on your device. Click Join now to enter the meeting.
    Alternatively, you can access Schoology from the mobile browser. Click the Teams Quick Meet meeting link in Schoology to launch the Microsoft Teams Quick Meet app and join the meeting.
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