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Individually assign course materials


Use the Individually Assign option to assign course materials, including assignments, tests/quizzes, assessments, discussions, pages, files, links, external tools, media albums, SCORM, and web packages, to individual students or grading groups. When you individually assign an item, it is only available for the assigned students or grading group from the Course Materials page.

To individually assign a folder containing course materials, refer to the Individually Assign Folders article.

This feature may be a good solution if:

  • You want to give an extra credit assignment to certain students.

  • A student needs to make up an assignment before or after the rest of the class.

  • You want to create a modified version of an assignment or test for certain students.

  • You want to create a page to provide personalized instructions to one or more students.

Individually assign materials from a course

  1. Navigate to a course.

  2. Click Add Materials and choose an option from the list. Alternatively, click the gear icon for a previously created material and choose Edit.

  3. Enter or update the material details.

  4. From Options, click Individually Assign.

  5. From Assign to, enter the student names or grading groups to whom you want to assign the material.

  6. Click Save Changes.

If you remove a student who has submitted a test for an individually assigned assessment from a grading group, all previous submissions completed while the student was a member of the group still apply to the student's grade.

Grade individually assigned materials

When you individually assign graded materials, you can only enter grades into the gradebook for the students to whom you assigned the item. 

  • Ensure that submissions are enabled.

    • Enable assessments from the Edit area of the assessment.

    • Enable tests/quizzes from the Settings area of the test/quiz.

  • If you individually assign an item to specific students, scores, and submissions for others will temporarily disappear. To review all scores, remove the individual assignment tag. Submissions and grades will then reappear for all students who completed the item.

  • If you sync grades from Schoology to an SIS, individually assigned items that sync to the SIS gradebook are available to all students in the course. The assignment title will be displayed for students not assigned the item but no grade. This does not apply to PowerTeacher Pro or PowerSchool SIS.

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