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Items Missing From Gradebook


I copied a Quiz/Assessment/Assignment/Discussion from Resources. I see the item in my Course Materials, but I don't see it in my gradebook. Where is it?


During the process of copying the item from Resources, you can set a Due Date, Grading Category, and Grading Period for the item before you import it.

If the item was copied without updating the grade settings, the content will be marked as Ungraded in the gradebook. Items that are not associated with a grading period will not appear in the gradebook.

To update the item's grade settings:

  1. Click Gradebook in the left menu of your course.
  2. Click the More Options menu (three vertical dots).
  3. Select Bulk Edit.
  4. Locate your item(s) in the list and adjust the Grading Category, Grading Period, and Due Date.
  5. Click Save Changes.

    You can also associate the item to a grading period from the Course Materials page by selecting Edit from the gear icon next to each item.

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