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Label Image: Enhanced Question Type (Enterprise Only)

In the Label Image question type, students can select from a list of potential answers and drag them to the correct response box on an uploaded image.

Question Setup

Enter your question into the Question Setup field.

Use the Rich Text Editor which appears when you click into the Question Setup field to apply formatting such as bold and italics, or to insert images or tables.

Add an Image

Click Upload Image and browse to an image on your computer or shared drive, or add a direct link to the image. You may also adjust the Width (px) and Height (px) dimensions of the image. Click OK when complete.

Add a Title, which displays when a student hovers their mouse over the image, and Alternate Text to show if the image can’t be displayed to the student.

Click Draw & resize to add response boxes to the image. Click and drag the response box to the desired size. To adjust the position, click and drop to the desired area. Each box has a number to keep track of the number of responses. To remove a response from the image, select the desired response box and click Delete or use the delete key on your keyboard.

Add a Pointer to one side of the boxes, if desired:

Use Fill Color to change the color of the responses:

Enable Show dashed border to add a border to the response box.

Add answers in the Possible Responses fields that the student should drag to the correct response box on the image.

Click the trashcan icon to the right of a possible response to remove it.

Click +Option to add more Possible Response fields.

Correct Answer Setup

Drag and drop the correct Possible Response into the appropriate response boxes on the uploaded image.

Enable Duplicate responses if you want to reuse the responses. This means a response does not disappear from the list of possible responses when a student drags it into a response box on the image.

Additional Setup Options


Choose your Scoring type for the question after you have entered the correct responses into each box.

Select Exact match to require that the student responds to all response boxes correctly. This option allocates 100% of the possible points for correctly responding to each response box, and zero points the student responds to one or more response boxes incorrectly.

Select Partial Match to score each correct response individually and the overall question score will be divided between responses. See Partial Credit for more information on this scoring option, including adding a Penalty score.

Add extra instructions or information related to the question to Instructor stimulus. This is intended for review only by the instructor or author. For example, it can be read out to students during the assessment. The content is visible to instructors under Preview Question as a blue box above the question.

Partial Credit

Select Partial Match to award points relative to the number of response boxes the student responds to correctly.

If the Scoring type is set to Partial Match, the formula for scoring the question is:

(Value of the percentage field / # response boxes) * (# selected correct responses) = Partial Match Value

  • The Partial Match Value does not represent how many points the response will receive, but the percentage of the total possible points.
  • The value of the percentage field is always taken from the Correct tab setup (100%), rather than from any of the Alternate correct answer options.
  • For example: If there are four response boxes, and a student selects three correct responses and one incorrect response, the value produced by the formula would be 75. (100 percent / 4 response boxes) * (3 correct responses selected) = 75(%). If the question is worth 10 points, the student would receive 7.5 points, because 75% of 10 is 7.5. To penalize the student for the incorrect response, see Penalty Score below.

Penalty Score

When the question is set to Partial Match, you can optionally set a Penalty score to deduct a percentage of the total question point value for each incorrectly matched answer. To simply award points for correct answers without additional deductions for incorrect answers, set the Penalty score to 0. To weigh incorrect responses the same as correct responses, set the Penalty Score to 100.

The formula for scoring a question with a Penalty Score is:

[Partial Match Value] - [(Value in Penalty field / # response boxes) * (# incorrect responses selected)]

  • The Penalty formula, like the Partial Match formula, produces a relative percentage, not a point value.
  • The penalty value divided by total number of response boxes is the penalty per answer in percentage form.
  • If you were to take the previous example and add a Penalty Score of 20, the value produced by the penalty would be 70(%). 75 - [(20 / 4 response boxes) * (1 incorrect response selected)] = 70(%). Again, if the question is worth 10 points, the student would receive 70% of 10, which is 7.

Align Learning Objectives

Click + Learning Objectives to open the Learning Objectives browser window.

Click Browse/Search to find and add specific objectives.

Click Manage for objectives already aligned to the question.

Click Confirm to save the learning objectives.

Preview and Edit Question

To see how the question will appear to a student taking it in an assessment, click Preview Question.

To exit the preview screen and return to the question editor, click Edit Question.

Once you are finished editing the question, click Save.

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