The Schoology Assessment Management Platform supports the collaborative creation of question-based assessments and the distribution of those assessments to one or more course sections across your district or organization.
Distribution of Managed Assessments
Members of Assessment Teams at your school distribute the assessment to course sections, where Course Administrators can then incorporate it into their curriculum and gradebooks. Students take the assessment from the course materials page.
When a member of a Managed Assessment Team at an organization distributes Managed Assessments, they appear at the bottom of theCourse Materialspage.
By default, when an assessment is first pushed to a course, it isUnpublished(hidden from students) andsubmissions are disabled.
Configuring Managed Assessments in Course Sections
As the Course Admin, you determine how this assessment will affect your students’ overall grades in your course via the managed assessment settings.
To configure a managed assessment:
Click the gear icon to the right of the assessment and clickEdit. The following default settings are displayed:
Is worth zero points in your course.
Does not have a due date.
Does not have a password.
Does not belong to a grading category.
Does not belong to a grading period.
Has a factor of one.
Select aDue Dateso that the assessment appears on your students’ Calendars and Upcoming feeds.
Enter aPoints Valuefor the assessment to determine how many points the assessment is worth in your gradebook. This can be a different value than the sum of the possible points per question.
EnableSubmissionsso that students can attempt and submit the assessment. There are a number of options:
Enable — Students are able to open and take the assessment.
Enable until — Students can take the test until the date and time you specify in theUntilfield that displays.
Enable from...until — Students can begin the test after the date and time indicated inFromand before the date and time inUntil.
Disable — Students cannot take the test.
The default setting for managed assessment availability isDisable. If your students can open the assessment but theStart New Attemptbutton is unavailable, check if you need to switch this setting to one of theEnableoptions.
Set aPasswordif needed, so that students must enter it to begin the assessment.
Assign the assessment to aGrading Category.
Assign the assessment to aGrading Periodto determine which quarter or semester you would like the assessment score to count towards. Alternatively, set the assessment to count as aMidtermor Final
Change theFactorvalue to give the assessment a relatively higher or lower weight in its grading category.
UnderOptionsclick Individually Assign to only display the assessment to one or more members of the course or agrading group.
UnderOptions click the circletoPublishthe assessment and make it visible to students on the course materials page. A grey circle indicates the assessment is not published and a green circle indicates the assessment is published:
ClickSave Changes to confirm any changes.
You may alsoPublishthe assessment from the gear icon to the right of the item on the course materials page:
Alternatively, click on the assessment title to open the AssessmentDetails tab. SelectPublish from theActionsdrop-down menu in the upper right corner:
Then, clickPublishfrom the pop-up window.
An availability window and/or daily submission window may have been set on the managed assessment by the Assessment Team. This determines when students can attempt and submit managed assessments. SeeAvailability Windowsfor more information.
Availability Windows
Managed Assessment Team members may setAvailability Windowsand/orDaily Submission Windowswhen distributing Managed Assessments. The Availability Window is the date and time the Managed Assessment is available to students. The Daily Submission Window is the time the assessment is accepting student submissions. Instructors can see the Availability Window and Daily Submission Window in the description under the Managed Assessment:
If you publish the Managed Assessmentoutsideof the Availability Window, submissions will not be accepted. When students attempt to access the assessment, the following message is displayed: This activity is not currently accepting submissions and they cannot start an attempt:
If you unpublish the Managed Assessmentwithinthe Availability Window, the item is not displayed to students within the course.
Managed Assessments in Linked Sections
If you administer a course withLinked Sections, use theAvailability & Due Datesoption to control when students are able to see and access an assessment.
Setting Availability and Due Dates in Linked Sections
Click on the gear icon to the right of the assessment title and selectEdit:
ClickSelect Sections to Customize and check theSelect Allbox to display all the course sections.
To publish the item in a section, select the circle next to the section name. Enter a due date and time, and enable submissions for each section:
ClickSave Changesto confirm any changes.
Setting theAvailability and Due Datesin linked sections determine when students see the assessment on theirMaterialspage andUpcoming panel. In the above example, the green dot next to the section name indicates the assessment is published. The date and time indicate the assessment due date onlyand does not determine whenthe assessment is published.
An availability window and/or daily submission window may have been set on the managed assessment by the Assessment Team. This determines when students can attempt and submit managed assessments. SeeAvailability Windowsfor more information.
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