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Managed Assessments: Rescoring (AMP)

Assessment Team members may need to alter the correct answer setup in a managed assessment after students have already completed it. If any edits change the correct answer, the existing submissions can now be automatically rescored.

Rescoring Submissions

Rescoring is available on the following question types only:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False
  • Matching
  • Ordering
  • Fill in the Blank Text
  • Fill in the Blank Dropdown
  • Fill in the Blank Drag and Drop
  • Label Image
  • Highlight Hotspot
  • Highlight Text
  • Number Line
  • Chart

To rescore a managed assessment:

Since scores are based on the assessment content and answer criteria at the time the assessment began, rescoring should not be run while students are still taking the assessment.

  1. Navigate to the desired question in the question bank and edit Correct Answer Setup to reflect any necessary changes.
  2. Click Save to confirm.
  3. Confirm to update all managed assessments that contain the edited question.
  4. You will be prompted to rescore any existing submissions for the item you saved. Select Rescore Submissions to confirm. Select Don’t Rescore if you wish to opt out of rescoring existing submissions.

    If you select Don’t Rescore in error, you can navigate back to edit question mode and select Rescore submissions in the bottom right corner.

  5. Existing submissions are rescored and updated in the assessment and gradebook.

    • After submissions are rescored, existing submissions are still displayed as students saw it at the time of submission. This is to preserve the integrity of the item and submission at the time it was taken.
    • Submission scores are based on the answer choice students selected, and not the content. For this reason, you should not edit the content in the answer choice field if it alters the correct answer. For example, if you must change the order of the answer choices, then drag and drop the answer choice boxes in Correct Answer Setup to reflect the correct order. Do not alter the text in the answer choice text boxes to update the correct order or answer. This does not generate a rescore. Learn more about which edits generate a rescore here.
    • Similarly, if you add new content to the assessment, such as additional possible answer choices or options, the rescore may not run as intended since existing submissions will not display this additional content. Therefore, you should consider creating a new assessment rather than using the rescore option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of edits generate a rescore?

  • If you edit the Correct Answer Setup, this will generate a rescore for existing submissions.
  • If you edit Possible Answers in Matching question type, this will generate a rescore for existing submissions. For example, if you correct a misspelled answer choice and rescore submissions, existing submissions will be scored incorrectly since the selected answer does not match exactly with the updated answer. In this case, you should save your changes and opt out of rescoring.
  • If you remove answer options or add new content such as additional possible answers or options, this will generate a rescore. However, since new content is being added, you should consider creating a new assessment rather than rescoring.
  • If you change answer options to lowercase or uppercase in Matching, Fill in the Blank Dropdown, Fill in the Blank Drag and Drop, Label Image, and Number Line, this will generate a rescore for existing submissions. These question types are case sensitive.
  • Point label content in Chart is also case sensitive. Any edits in this area will generate a rescore for existing submissions.
  • If you enable or disable the Case Sensitive option in Fill in the Blank, this will generate a rescore for existing submissions.

Will submissions be rescored if a student is currently taking the assessment?

  • No. If you edit the Correct Answer Setup and generate a rescore while students are currently taking the assessment, these submissions will not be automatically rescored.
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