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Message courses and groups


Use course and group messages to send a Schoology message to all members of the course or group.

Send messages

  1. Navigate to a course or group that you administer.

  2. From Course Options or Group Options, select Send Message from the list.

  3. Enter the information and click Send.

Sent messages can only be removed from the sender’s inbox. Removing a message does not delete it on the receiving end.

Course Admins can also send messages from:

  • Gradebook

  • Grading Groups

  • District Mastery

  • Edit a material's scores

Teachers can message individual students by selecting the envelope icon.

Messages are sent to individual members of your course or group. When a member replies to the message, the correspondence remains private. If you prefer members to interact with each others' responses, consider using a discussion.

All Members refers to all enrolled participants listed in the Members area of the course. This option sends the message to staff enrolled as members and admins. The All Members option does not include parents associated with the members.

Search messages

From the Inbox or Sent Messages, enter a keyword in the search field. Then, click Enter or select the magnifying glass icon.

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