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PowerBuddy chat logs (instructors)

Review the chat logs for all students you have permission to access. Conversations can take up to 15 minutes to load into the chat log and are available for 60 days.

  1. On the home page, choose Access chat logs.

  2. On the Student chat logs page, find the conversation you want to review and select Review Chats.

    • Optionally, search for a student or filter by time frame or course. Chat logs default to the last seven days.

  3. Select a conversation to review.

  4. Optionally, download an individual conversation using one of the following options:

    • Select the Download icon (down arrow) for the conversation.

    • Open the conversation and select Download.

If the conversation has flagged chats, the number of flags is marked in the Flagged chats field for the student. Review the chat and open the conversation for more details. You will also receive email notifications of flagged chats for assignments for which you are the course administrator,

AI can make mistakes when filtering content. Always review content to confirm accurate flagging.

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