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Printing QR codes (instructors)

QR Codes offer a streamlined login process for young learners and learners who have trouble typing or remembering their credentials. The feature is only available for Enterprise organizations.

QR Codes print from Chrome to match the Avery label template for 2' square labels. From the Chrome Print Screen, ensure None is selected for Margins.

Print QR codes from a course

Course admins who have the permission to print QR codes can do so for students in their sections who can log in using a QR Code.

Print codes for individual students

  1. Choose a course.
  2. Select Members.
  3. Select actions (gear) and choose Print QR Code.
  4. Click Print.
  5. Print the code from the new tab in your browser.

Print codes for an entire section

  1. Choose a course.
  2. Select Members.
  3. Click Print all QR Codes.
  4. Click Print.
  5. Print the codes from the new tab in your browser.

Frequently asked questions


What should I do if a student misplaces their QR code?

For security reasons, when a student loses their QR code, we recommend resetting a student's QR code from Manage Users before you print a new one. Only system admins can reset a QR code for a student.

Do QR codes expire?

No, QR codes do not expire.

How do I manage QR code safety?

Since QR codes are essentially Schoology passwords, you should print QR codes on materials that remain in the classroom and are not shared among students.  

If I reset a student's QR code, will they be logged out of Schoology on all devices?

No. Resetting a QR code does not log the user out of current sessions. If a student is logged in using another student's QR code, you can review the System Logs in School Analytics to identify the IP address of the device used for the login.

What should I do if all the QR codes at my school have been compromised?

You can reset all QR codes from Manage Users or disable the option to log in with a QR code. However, this will not log out users who are already logged in.

Will a QR code work if a student draws on it? 

Yes, a QR code marked with a marker can still be scanned. To inactivate the code, reset QR codes from Manage Users to prevent student data from being compromised.

What happens if a student uses an invalid QR code?The Schooloy web version or app displays an error message.
What should I do if a student's QR code doesn't work?If a student's QR code doesn't work, you can reset it. If this does not resolve the issue, use the browser's developer tools, such as Chrome dev tools, to check the Console. Copy the unique hash for the QR code and send a ticket to the Support team.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.