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Schoology Assessment Management Platform (AMP)


The Schoology Assessment Management Platform (AMP) supports the collaborative creation of question-based assessments and the distribution of those assessments to one or more course sections across your district or organization.

First, you or one of your colleagues creates an Assessment Team in the AMP area of your Schoology account. Next, you add members  – other faculty members who will collaborate on building assessments – to the team.

Members of your team work together to create managed question banks, rubrics, and managed assessments. Each team will create and control its own question banks and assessments. You may create as many of these teams as you like.

Your team distributes the managed assessment to course sections where instructors incorporate it into the syllabus of their course, and students take the managed assessment from their course materials page.

Lastly, faculty members with appropriate permissions can view student results in analytic reports. Depending on the member’s permission level, for a given assessment they will see all results from students in their sections, in their school or primary building, and/or in your Enterprise organization.

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