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Schoology Learning Release Notes: July 2024

Features for the Schoology July 2024 Release are expected on July 25, 2024.

New Features and Enhancements

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Error messaging enhancements for grade passback with PTP (general availability)

Schoology is making error messaging enhancements for grade passback with PTP generally available. Error messages are more descriptive and give teachers actionable feedback on grade syncs.

Hijri calendar system

Schoology now supports the Hijri Calendar System. Users can choose to display Hijri dates side-by-side with Gregorian dates, and a Hijri toggle on calendar and date pickers.
Note: Hijri Dates in the School Analytics Export Report date picker, Portfolios, Doc Viewer, LTI apps, Data Exports, and Emails will not be supported. Also, Hijri dates side-by-side with Gregorian dates on Course Analytics and Usage Analytics will be available in subsequent releases.

School Management: System Settings

Optimization of user search within User Management

User search within the User Management screen will operate more quickly and efficiently. It will now also allow the query to contain the user's First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Username, Email Address, or Unique ID. This will be available upon request through a support case. It will be turned on for all districts with the August release.

Manage Users: Comprehensive Guide

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