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Schoology Learning Release Notes: March 2024

Features for the Schoology March 2024 Release are expected on March 21, 2024.

New Features and Enhancements

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Detailed error messages for PTP

Teachers will now have access to highly informative error messages on the Grade Sync Configuration page when utilizing PowerSchool SIS. These error messages have been refined to offer more detailed insights, enabling teachers to receive actionable feedback and improve their grade syncs. The minimum SIS version required is 24.2.

Enhanced Error Messaging for grade passback with PowerSchool SIS is available for customers at their request as of the Schoology March Release. Contact Support if you want to enable it for your district. This feature will be enabled for all customers at a later date.

SAML cert update

We will be updating our SAML signing certificates used in SAML-based SSO. Districts using SAML to log in, you will be required to update your SAML to successfully access Schoology via your SAML-based SSO after April 15, 2024. This excludes ClassLink users.

Updates to Google Drive Resource app

As a result of changes to Google’s security policies concerning their Drive APIs, the Schoology Google Drive Resource app is changing. On opening our current version of the Google Drive Resource app, users can view all of their Google Drive content directly in the app. With the new changes, users will have to go through another step of selecting which of their Google Drive content they want to give Schoology access. After selecting the specific content they want to include for Schoology, the rest of the workflow would remain unchanged. We will share an update with our help article to guide you through any questions.

Google Drive Resource App Administrator Guide

Required update to SSO script for districts using Schoology for SSO

Schoology Learning currently supports both MD5 and SHA-256 signature methods for Remote Authentication and defaults to MD5. On June 24th, 2024, Schoology Learning will no longer support the MD5 signature method. Districts must update their remote authentication scripts to use the SHA-256 signature method before June 24th in order to prevent disruption to Remote Authentication logins. This will not affect other SSO methods such as SAML or LDAP.

Course Admins can elect to separately publish material scores

Course Administrators can now elect to separately publish scores on materials, allowing for students to maintain access to their work while the grade from students until the teacher is ready to release it.

Course Materials: Assignments

New Schoology apps in the App Center

  • One way auto login - Access the online learning environments for the following One Way Education programs: Spanish for Heritage and Native Speakers I & II. Find it at:

  • Book Creator - Students love it. Teachers love it. Book Creator is the simplest, most inclusive way to create content in the classroom. It’s so easy to use that everyone can get started straight away, whatever their age or ability, but it’s powerful enough to build stunning interactive creations of all kinds. Make your students proud. Empower your teachers. Supercharge engagement right across the curriculum. Find it at:

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