Setting up AMP permissions
Setting AMP User Permissions
System Administrators in Enterprise organizations with AMP can set up permissions for users to access and manage their Assessment Management Platform (AMP) environment.
AMP permissions are managed from the User Management: Permissions page, which you access from User Management in the Tools drop-down menu of your System Admin account. Like all other permissions, AMP permissions are based on user Roles.
AMP Access Permissions
To enable users to access AMP: scroll down to the General section and, in the Managed Assessments area, check the box for each role you want to enable in Access managed assessments, then click Save permissions at the bottom of the page.
Users with this permission can access the Assessment Teams area from the AMP menu in the header, and add materials to any Assessment Team of which they're a member. In the above screenshot, for example, System Admins and Teachers have the permission enabled.
In order to access Assessment Teams from the AMP menu, users must have the Access managed assessments permission and be a member of an Assessment Team.
AMP Administration Permissions
To create and add members to Assessment Teams, users must have the Administer managed assessments permission.
Users with permission to Administer managed assessments can access all Assessment Teams and their resources, regardless of whether they are a member of that team.
Any Assessment Team member can be designated as an admin of that team, without needing the Administer managed assessments permission.
To enable this permission: scroll down to the Administration Settings section and check the box for each role you want to enable the Administer managed assessments permission, then click Save permissions at the bottom of the page. In this example, only System Admins have permission to Administer managed assessments.
Additionally, you can manage which user roles have access to Assessment Reports, found in the AMP menu in the header, from this area. Learn more in the article on AMP Analytics permissions.