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Unenroll course or group members

If your organization uses the Enterprise version of Schoology, contact your Support Contact for assistance. Your organization may be provisioning course and group enrollments at the district level.

Unenroll course members

  1. Navigate to a course and select Members.

  2. For the selected member, click the gear icon and choose Unenroll from the list.

  3. Click Confirm. The unenrolled member will be displayed in Inactive section, where you can re-enroll or remove the student.

  • Only manually unenrolled students remain in the Inactive section of the course Members page. Students unenrolled via an SIS sync do not.

  • Unenrolling members from a course will archive the grades and submissions associated with those members. However, all updates and comments on updates remain.

  • Course administrators can retain a copy of grades and submissions by exporting the gradebook and downloading the submissions before unenrolling the course member. Additionally, if course members were already unenrolled, you can re-enroll those members to retrieve the grades and submissions.

Unenroll group members 

  1. Navigate to a group and select Members.

  2. For the selected member, click the gear icon and choose Remove from the list.

  3. Click Confirm.

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