Using Mobile Offline Mode on the Schoology Android App
You can access your Schoology course materials from anywhere and at anytime on your Android device - even when you’re offline.
Schoology Offline Mode gives you access to your Schoology course materials even when you do not have an Internet connection.
Android users can download Folders, Assignments, Pages, Files, and Discussions while connected to WiFi so that they can view their materials, later even when they are not connected.
Offline Materials are aview-onlyversion of your Schoology materials and are not interactive. It is not possible to submit an assignment, post to a discussion, or complete any student completion rules while accessing content in Offline Mode.
Download Your Course Materials
To make your materials available offline:
While connected to WIFI, launch the Schoology app on your Android device and navigate to your desired course.
On the course Materials page, click the down-facing arrow in the upper-right corner of your screen to download course materials onto your device.
When you tap the down arrow, a notification displays: Make Materials Offline: This will download the materials for access while offline. TapConfirmto continue with the download.
You are prompted to choose to make only the materials available for offline access without any of the files and attachments or to include files and attachments in the download: Tap the option you would like to choose:
If you select Without Files & Attachments, you will only be able to see the titles and descriptions of the Schoology materials.
If you select With Files and Attachments,all files and attachments are downloaded in their original form and stored locally to your device. You will be able to open and view the attachments from the material items in the course to which they are attached.
Wait a few moments for the materials to download. Once the download is complete, a green checkmark is displayed in the upper-right corner of your course materials page: The green checkmark indicates the materials have been synced to your device and are now available when you go offline.
Using Schoology in Offline Mode
Once you are offline, materials that have been synced and are available in Offline Mode will still be accessible from the Schoology app. Open the app and navigate to the course as usual to access your materials. Materials that are not available offline, such as tests/quizzes, assessments, external tools, and links are greyed-out and inactive.
Offline Materials are a view-only version of your Schoology Materials, and are not interactive. It is not possible to submit an assignment, post to a discussion, or complete any student completion rules while accessing content in Offline Mode.
If the Course Admin makes any changes to the materials after the student has downloaded materials to access offline, the student sees a message the next time the device is connected to Wifi:Updated content available. Tap to sync.
Tap the sync icon to update your downloaded materials to the latest version.
Schoology Offline Materials and Storage
Schoology materials that have been downloaded for offline access are saved to an offline cache within the app where files are stored.
When you log out of the app, all content that was previously downloaded for offline access will be automatically cleared from that device.
You can also manually remove downloaded content from your device in order to free up storage space once you no longer need materials for offline access. To clear your content:
Tap the navigation icon in the upper-left and then tap Settings.
Select Offline Storage Settings.
Select Remove Offline Content.
A message is displayed: This will remove all offline content that has been downloaded locally on this device and cancel all active course downloads. Tap Confirm.
Your offline content is now deleted from your device and the storage stats that display in the Offline Storage Settings panel should update accordingly.
A small amount of disk space will remain in use to support the app’s operations, so this number will be greater than zero.
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