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Deployment of release is expected on July 27, 2024. 

Product updates

Product area 




PowerBuddy usage allotments

PowerBuddy for Assessment customers will be able to review their usage and remaining allotment balance in Manage Organization beginning in August. Allotments will be tracked each time the Generate button is clicked to generate a new item or passage.​

Item creation

Enhanced Hotspot interaction with alt text

You can now enhance the accessibility of Hotspot interaction by providing descriptive alt text for your uploaded images.

Item creation

Enhanced number line plotting with MathML support

You can now use MathML when plotting expressions on the Number Line. This feature allows you to enter mathematical expressions using MathML syntax, providing a more versatile way to represent mathematical concepts on the Number Line.


Security group uploader

Districts can now add multiple users to an existing Security Group at one time.

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