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Assessment Manager

Use Assessment Manager to locate a test and make it available for students to take online or with scan sheets. Preview, edit, copy, or delete tests, and download test booklets and answer keys.

After a test is administered, return to Assessment Manager to choose from the scoring options, such as Scoring Assignment and Online Scoring, or review student results using the Student Item Analysis report.

Search for Tests

Assessment Manager provides a list of tests available to you, which includes tests that meet any of the following criteria:

  • Tests that you created.

  • Unless you clear the Limit to Open Test Window option, tests with an open administration window are included by default.

  • Any of your students in the student population defined by the test course type or grade-level settings.

  • For a test to be available in Assessment Manager, the Properties section must include a Course Type and Grade Level.

  • Initially, only tests with an open test administration window are displayed. Clear the Limit to Open Test Window option if you want to include tests with a closed administration window.

  • If a test has been deleted, you can use the global search to find and restore the test.

  1. Choose Tests from the main navigation menu, then choose Assessment Manager.

  2. If you have access to Observational Assessments, you can select Observational Assessments from the Assessment Type to display them.

  3. To include tests outside the current test window, clear Limit to Open Test Window.

    Only tests ready to be administered to students (tests with a valid Course Type and Grade Level) are included in the search results since these are the only tests you can administer in Assessment Manager. If you need to search for tests, use the global search in the menu of any Performance Matters page.

  4. To locate a specific test, use Search by Title or ID.

  5. Choose from the Course Type, Assessment Category, or Grade Level filter options.

Release a Single Online Test

  1. Find the test.

  2. If the test has multiple sections, you can release each section independently. Click the carat to display the list of sections.

  3. Click the ellipsis from the Actions column of the test row, then choose Assign Online / Paper Based.

  4. Choose a Filter to narrow the student list.

School, Teacher, and Class work together as combined filters. Course, Course Type, and Grade Level operate as independent filters.

  1. Alternatively, enter Search criteria to locate students.

  2. Select all students or select the necessary individual students.

  3. Optionally, clear any selected students to whom you do not want to assign the test. This might include students who are not in class during the time the test is assigned to prevent them from prematurely accessing the test.

  4. Click Assign. The selected students can access the test when they sign into Online Assessment (OLA).

  5. To unassign the test, select the necessary students, then click Unassign.

Release Single Paper-Based Test

  1. Find the test.

  2. From the Actions column of the test row, click the ellipsis, then choose Assign Online / Paper Based.

  3. Choose a Filter to narrow the student list.

School, Teacher, and Class work together as combined filters. Course, Course Type, and Grade Level operate as independent filters.

  1. Alternatively, enter Search criteria to locate students.

  2. Select all students or select the necessary individual students.

  3. Optionally, clear any selected students to whom you do not want to assign the test.

  4. Click Pre-Populated Sheets to create answer sheets with student names.

  5. Click Close.

Release Multiple Online Tests

Only the first section of multi-section tests is released when using the Bulk Actions menu. Unless this is what you intend, releasing single tests provides more flexibility.

  1. Find a test or filter the test list as needed.

  2. Select each test you want to release.

  3. From Bulk Actions, choose OLA Assign or OLA Unassign.

Scoring Options

For tests that have manually-scored item interactions or online scoring enabled, or for observational assessments, choose a scoring option.

  1. Filter the test list as needed.

  2. For online or paper-based assessments, select Online/Paper Based.

    1. From the Actions column of the test row, click the ellipsis.

    2. Choose Scoring Assignment or Online Scoring.

    3. Score the test.

  3. Alternatively, for observational assessments, select Observational.

    1. From the Actions column of the test row, click the ellipsis.

    2. Choose Capture Data.

    3. Score the test.

Assessment Manager Options

Each test listed in Assessment Manager offers at least one of the following options, depending on your permissions and the test settings:

  • Click the Assessment Title to edit the assessment. You must have the necessary edit permission.

  • View Sections only displays for assessments that have multiple sections. Hover to display the section list.

  • Click the Preview icon to preview the test in a new tab. If the test is high stakes, Preview is only available to users with high stakes permission. To preview an online test, the test's OLA option must be selected, and you must have read permission for the test.

  • Hover over or click the Attributes icon to review the test properties, interactions, settings, and attributes summary.

  • Click the Students Scored icon to review the Student Item Analysis report for students whose tests are scored.

  • Click the ellipsis in the Actions column to choose from the individual assessment actions:

    • Download Assessment downloads the test as a Word document unless a PDF file was uploaded for that test. If you want to download a PDF version, click the Test Title. Click Printing, then select PDF.

    • If Restrict Access to Download Test is turned on in the administration settings for a test, a user cannot download a copy of the test. If a user needs to download a copy of the test, they must have Read permission to the test and access it from the search page or the Edit Test page.

    • Scoring Assignment is only available if the test has manually-scorable responses, and Enter/Edit Responses is selected in the Administration tab.

    • Online Scoring is only available if the test has machine-scorable responses, and Enter/Edit Responses is selected in the Administration tab.

    • Print Blank Answer Sheet generates a blank PDF answer sheet that includes a QR code linked to the assessment. This option is only available for paper/pencil assessments.

Bulk Test Actions

You can perform additional bulk actions for one or more assessments.

  1. Find a test or filter the test list as needed.

  2. Choose the desired assessments.

  3. Choose from the Bulk Actions menu.

    • Copy

    • Delete

    • OLA Assign

    • OLA Unassign

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