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Manage SLO or SGO Progress

After you define the properties and attributes of the Student Learning Objective or Student Growth Objective (SLO or SGO), you can review the student population and track their status.

Use the global search to locate the SLO or SGO you want to manage.

  1. On the Performance Matters toolbar, click the global search icon.
  2. In the Type section, select SLO. You may need to click More... to expand the list.

  3. Enter search criteria to find the SLO or SGO.
  4. Click Edit.

SLO or SGO Status

The student population results are displayed in three sections. Click on the section header to expand or collapse each section.

Apply Filters

You can filter for a specific student population in your SLO or SGO. Click Add Student Filter and apply the desired filters. Refer to Use Report Filters for more information.

Students Not Included in SLO Population

Students listed in this section are not included in this SLO or SGO population. These are students who were not included in the test window when the population was selected or were removed from one of the other two sections.

Tests Not Started

Students in this section are in the SLO or SGO population for the test you selected, but they do not yet have test results.

Test Completed and Scored

Students in this section have results for the selected test and have been verified to be included in this SLO or SGO population.

  • You can identify status and performance for a subgroup of students using the student demographic filters. Refer to Use Report Filters for details.
  • The color coding is based on the student's target score. Green indicates they met or exceeded their target score. Red indicates they did not meet their target score. Yellow indicates that a student scored within the percentage range chosen in the threshold allowance for SLO or SGO Test Properties.

Adjust SLO or SGO Population

Depending on your menu security permissions, you may have multiple options available to manage each section. Any user making changes with these buttons is identified in the results table.

Make Available

You can add students to the SLO or SGO population using the Students Not Included in SLO Population section. Select the student, then click Make Available.


You can validate students that should be included in the SLO or SGO population. Select the appropriate students, then click Verify.


To mark students for evaluation for removal from the SLO or SGO population, select the appropriate students, then click Challenge.


You can remove students from the SLO or SGO population. Select the appropriate students, then click the Remove option for that section. Selected students are moved to the Students Not Included in SLO Population section.

Adjust Target Score

You can change the target score for students included in the SLO or SGO population. This is especially useful for scores that are within the threshold allowance.

  1. Click on the target score for the desired student.
  2. In the Change Target Score dialog, enter a new target score, and then click Save.

SLO or SGO Rating

After an SLO or SGO has students with tests completed and scored, the teacher performance rating is included in the Attributes tab. Both the band selected for the SLO or SGO and the current rating are displayed.

The rating based on any selected student filters is displayed for comparison. If no filters are set, the ratings are identical.

The teacher rating changes according to the selected SLO or SGO population. As you adjust the population, the rating reflects those changes.

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