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Menu security by role

When setting menu security by role, consider the information users are authorized to display or update when given access to a menu option.

These menu options are available when you select Items from the main navigation menu.

Menu OptionPermissionFunction
New Item (Redesigned)Create new itemsItems are the questions built for use on Performance Matters assessments. This menu security is typically turned on for users involved in item and test creation.
New Item SourceCreate new item sources or banksEvery item created must be saved to a source and bank. Allowing a user to create a source or bank also allows them to create their item folders and grant others access to it through permissions.
New Item AssignmentCreate new item assignmentsItem assignments are created by users who are creating projects for authors to complete. This is typically used by districts that have designated item authors.
Item Assignment StatusAccess the status of item assignmentsThis page allows users to display all item assignments and their status. This is typically used by district personnel who create item assignments.
New ResourceCreate a new resourceThis allows users to create new resources including, but not limited to, reading passages, audio files, and videos for items.
New RubricCreate a new rubricRubrics are assigned to items that require different scoring options based on student performance. This menu security is typically turned on for users involved in item and test creation.

These menu options are available when you select Tests from the main navigation menu.

Menu OptionPermissionFunction
New TestCreate new testsThis menu security should be turned on for any user involved in test creation. Both Answer Key Only tests and OLA tests can be accessed through this menu.
Test CenterAccess Test Center to administer testsTest Center is the main page where users administer tests. They can see all tests that correspond to their schedule course type and grade level.
OLA Student AdminAccess OLA Student Admin to see the progression of students within an assessmentOLA Student Admin displays the status of all students in a certain test. Users can see whether the student has the test assigned, is in progress, submitted a test, or has results for a test. They can also control these actions through OLA Student Admin.
New BlueprintCreate new blueprintsThis menu security should only be turned on for districts that use the Blueprint process to create items and tests.
GradeCamUtilize GradeCam (if your district has turned on GradeCam for scanning purposes)If GradeCam has been purchased by your district, you will need to decide which roles should have access to this specific tool.
Online ScoringScore students' assessmentsTurning on this menu security allows users to score students online for any test that they have access to that has been enabled for online scoring through the test editor.
If online scoring is enabled for items flagged for manual scoring only, then the human scorer will not be able to update the machine-scored responses. This is controlled by the creation of the test itself.
It is also important to note that users can update student responses for any students on their schedule who have taken the assessment.
Scoring Assignment SummaryDisplay a comprehensive list of all of the scoring assignments to which permissions are givenThis page lists the scoring assignments to which a user was added. They can directly access the scoring assignment from this page by clicking the assignment title.

These menu options are available when you select SLO from the main navigation menu.

Menu OptionPermissionFunction
New SLOCreate new SLOsThis menu should be turned on for any role that needs to create Student Learning Objectives to measure student performance.
New Group SLOCreate new group SLOsThis menu should be turned on for any role that needs to create Student Learning Objectives to measure student performance by group.
Results by TeacherCreate a report to display a summary of performance by teacher SLOResults by Teacher allows a user to create a report to display the performance by teacher associated with the SLOs. This menu security should be given to users who need to evaluate teacher performance.

These menu options are available when you select Intervention from the main navigation menu.

Menu OptionPermissionFunction
New InterventionCreate new interventionsThis menu security should be given to any user who is using Intervention. This allows them to define the properties of new interventions.
Intervention AdminCreate and administer interventionsThis menu security should be given to any user who is using the Intervention model. This allows them to set up and define the overall structure of the tool.

These menu options are available when you select Reports from the main navigation menu.

Menu OptionPermissionFunction
Baseball Card ReportAccess the Baseball Card report within Performance MattersThis provides users access to Baseball Card within Performance Matters. They can display any public, local test, and any other data loaded for the district. This report provides useful test information such as a breakdown of standards or strands and a comparison between test scores.
ScoreboardAccess to the Scoreboard reportScoreboard allows users to compare test data across classes, schools, and districts.
Student Item AnalysisAccess to the Student Item Analysis reportThis report provides in-depth information per test, including student averages, data by standard, and data by item.
Student DetailAccess to the Student Detail reportStudent Detail provides information to users regarding specific students. This information includes, but is not limited to, class schedules, test information, and PMPs (if applicable).
MyReportsAccess to MyReportsMyReports provides different reports according to the user's access level (Admin, District, School, or Teacher). Admin users can decide which reports the role should have access to within the Search Generated Reports tool and specify the permissions.
MyDashboardAccess to MyDashboardMyDashboard is the default home page for teachers. They use it to access their students and their Performance Matters tasks.
Item Statistics AnalysisAccess to the Item Statistics Analysis reportThis report provides useful information about items used on assessments. Users can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the questions and student performance.
Print ResponsesPrint student responsesThis menu security allows users to print student responses from assessments that have results. This is a useful tool for users to review assessments with their students.

These menu options are available when you select Admin from the main navigation menu.

Menu OptionPermissionFunction
Menu SecurityChange and update menu securities for users and rolesThis page allows users to change the menu security within their site.
Impersonate UserLog in as a user to display their accountThis allows users to log in to another user's account using the impersonation tool. They can display their site and respective data. To use this function, the user must be a site Admin, or they will receive an error when trying to use this tool.
User ManagerAccess to User ManagerUser Manager allows users to search for a specific user or role within the organization. They can see the email address and location and can reset a user's password. Active Directory users cannot reset passwords.
NewsCreate new News items for the siteThis menu security allows users to create News items.
Instructional StrategiesCreate new instructional strategiesThis menu security should be turned on for users who need to create new instructional strategies for PMP purposes. This is an add on within the PMP module.
GroupsCreate new groups

This menu security should be turned on for any role that will need to create groups within the organization. One or more members can be assigned to a group that can then be given permissions.
Groups are not widely used as most permissions are now granted based on a role-by-role basis.

Search GroupsSearch existing groupsThis allows the user to search for available groups.
New Review BoardCreate new review boardsThis menu security should be turned on for any role that will participate in the creation of review boards. Review boards are typically used to review items before the items become available for use on assessments.
Search Review BoardsSearch existing review boardsThis allows a user to search for available review boards.
Create FilterCreate new filtersThis menu security allows users to create filters to access frequently used data. There are certain reports where you can apply a custom filter.
SearchSearch existing filtersThis allows users to search for available custom filters.
PMP Admin

Create and manage PMPs

The PMP module must be purchased by the district before it will be available on the site.

This menu security enables users to create and manage Progress Monitoring Plans. A user can add and manage rules, content, and filters.
New Performance BandCreate New Performance BandsThis menu security allows a user to create a new Performance Band which sets the cut scores and colors that can be used on assessments.
SearchSearch existing Performance BandsThis allows users to search for created Performance Bands.
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