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MyDashboard provides access to all of your students and your Performance Matters tasks. If you are a teacher, MyDashboard features the Students tab and serves as your home page.

From the navigation menu, choose Reports, then MyDashboard.

The options available in the Test menu, the displayed standards performance data, and the tests listed on the student cards are all restricted to the course type associated with the teacher's enrollment.


The LaunchPad provides access to your most common tasks. The options available to you are based on your role and menu security.

School Overview

The School Overview provides school and district administrators quick access to school information. The data available is customized based on the user's role.

If you work with multiple schools, choose a school to display School Overview information specific to that school.

You have access to all schools that you can access in Baseball Card.

Student Detail

Navigate to the Student Details page for each of your students.

  1. From the navigation menu, choose Reports, then MyDashboard.
  2. Search for a student.
  3. Click Go to Student Detail.

School Enrollment Percentage

School enrollment percentages are based on enrolled student attributes. For school-based users, school percentages are compared to district percentages. For district users, the panel displays overall district data.

Absence Rates: % of Students Panel

This panel displays absence rates by grade for the last five dates with available data. Your district determines whether or not to include this panel.

The Absence Rate percent is calculated by the count of students with at least one absence record for the day in question divided by the total number of students enrolled in the grade level.

Discipline Rates: Count of Incidents

This panel displays high-level information for incident counts by grade for the last five months of available data. Your district determines if this panel appears.

Test Analysis

This panel displays high-level assessment data and provides quick access to an assessment's Student Item Analysis report. The most recently-administered assessment with at least 50 student results is pre-selected.

Student Achievement

Student Achievement displays reporting information for the most recent state results.

News & Assignments

The News & Assignments tab displays your role-based assignments and news from your district.

Shared Reports

Shared Reports displays any reports you have permission to review.


if you have a district-level role, you must select a school. Use the search or sort options to locate a specific school.


Only users with school- or district-level roles can access the Teachers tab.

  1. Select the Teachers tab.
    • If you have a district-level role, first click the Schools tab, then select a school and click the Teachers tab.
    • If you have access to multiple schools, click the Teachers tab, then filter by school.
    • If you have a school-level role, click the Teachers tab on MyDashboard.
    • Click a teacher's name to display their students.
  2. Choose a teacher.
  3. Filter the list of students by choosing a class or clicking one or more attributes tabs.
  4. Click a student's name to review their details.


If you have access to multiple schools, select a school, and then choose a teacher to display the Students tab.

If you are a principal or a district user that can only access one school, you must select a teacher to display the Students tab.

You can change the display of the student cards.

  • Select courses to limit the list of students.
  • Limit the test results displayed on the student cards to specific tests. If only one test is selected, a standard analysis appears.

    If a single test's standard analysis is displayed, you can click the test name to display it in the Student Item Analysis report.

  • Choose from the attributes to filter the student list. Hover over an attribute to see a full description of the code. Attributes vary according to your organization's settings and terminology.

Student Cards

  • Click a student's name to review their Student Detail report.
  • Indicators alert you if a student is flagged for early warning or is eligible for a progress monitor plan.
  • The counts in each of the colored bubbles indicate the total number of standards the student scored in each test's performance band.

If a standard is used on multiple tests, the number reflects where the standard falls according to the district default performance band per instance. For example, if the standard falls into the lowest cut on Test 1 and the highest cut on Test 2, the colored bubble for the lowest cut will be 1 and the colored bubble for the highest cut will be 1.

Standard Analysis

The standard analysis allows you to review all of the attributes included on the assessment and related data for each attribute.

  1. Select a single test from the filter to generate a standard analysis report.
  2. Hover over an attribute to review a description. Alternatively, select an attribute to filter the table according to the attribute data.
  3. Optionally, choose from the swatching options to filter students according to cut bands.
  4. Optionally, select an attribute to filter the table.
  5. Optionally, select a portion of the # of Students graph filter the table and bar chart.
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