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Standards report

Use the Standards report to analyze student mastery of standards.

Review Standards report

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Reports, then Standards Reporting.

  2. On the Standards Reporting page, filter data using Standards or Filters.
    Alternatively, enter the standard code or description to search for a specific standard.

    • When using filters, select your criteria and Apply Filters.

  3. Review the report and adjust the criteria as needed.


Use the overview graphs to review the aggregate student population for a standard by mastery level and the breakdown of mastery level by student attributes.

  • To review the student list for a mastery level, click the mastery level section on the chart.

  • To review mastery level by attribute, select the Mastery Level and the Attribute.

Mastery Comparison

Use the Mastery Comparison tab to review student performance for the chosen standard and its children.

  • District admins can choose to Display child standards.

  • To review the student list for a mastery level, click the mastery level section on the chart. If your district has student groups enabled, you can add students to a new or existing group.

Student groups

  1. On the student list, select the students you want to add.

  2. Choose to Add to new group or Add to existing group.

    1. Add to new group:

      1. Enter a Group name.

      2. If needed, Add group details.

    2. Add to existing group:

      1. Select the group name.

  3. Choose to Add selected.

Time Analysis

Use the Time Analysis tab to review student growth on standards for the school year.


Use the Details tab to review the associated assessments for all standards related to the selected standard.

Assessment Report

The Assessment report displays the details for assessments associated with the selected standard.

  • Select the Assessment Title or Item to open the Search page for the assessment.

Items Attribute Report

The Items Attributes report displays the attributes of the items used to test the selected standard.

  • Select the criteria to review in the Attribution Distribution Charts.

Share a report

From the More menu (three dot icon), select Share to generate a shareable link. Users must be signed in and must have permission to access the data shared in the report.

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