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What is the distribution of grades for @@VARIABLE(CYTD)?

This metric shows the grade distribution for this school year broken out by instructional week.  Even if the year filter is changed, this metric will continue to show the current school year only.  Current grades will be noted.  Grades are accurate as of the previous day.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Course Name

The full name for the course - this is the primary course name to be used in most reports, analyses, and filters.  In state/multi-district deployments this is often conformed to the State or NCES Course Description.


Current Cumulative GPA

The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year.  This is the unweighted GPA.



Short name for the performance group:  A, B, C, NI, XL, P..  Full marks will be shortened - A, A+ or AH will all be represented here as A based upon Effort definitions in the Domains table. Student mark categories include A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, and No Credit.


Staff Name

Staff member's full name formatted last name, first name (e.g., Sinatra, Nancy).



(METADATA) - The number of the instructional week in the calendar of the district or school (1,2,3…). Typically values 1 through 36 or 40 and set to 0 for days that are not included in a defined instructional week.



The number of individual data elements included.

What is the distribution of grades over time?

This metric shows the A-F final grade distribution over time.  The numbers 1 and 2 refer to the term for that school year.  A 0 denotes that the grade was earned outside of the school year.  This metric is built to show the last three years for comparison and, as a result, will not respond to a change in the year filter.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Course Name

The full name for the course - this is the primary course name to be used in most reports, analyses, and filters.  In state/multi-district deployments this is often conformed to the State or NCES Course Description.


Current Cumulative GPA

The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year.  This is the unweighted GPA.



Short name for the performance group:  A, B, C, NI, XL, P..  Full marks will be shortened - A, A+ or AH will all be represented here as A based upon Effort definitions in the Domains table. Student mark categories include A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, and No Credit.



The term number for the related school (1, 2, 3, etc.). Note that dates outside the defined term are set to Term of 0.


Staff Name

Staff member's full name formatted last name, first name (e.g., Sinatra, Nancy).



The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.



The number of individual data elements included.

What grades are students receiving in core courses?

This metric shows the distribution of final grades received in core courses.  The district controls which categories are displayed and which classes fall into those course categories.  If this metric is blank, it is likely due to no final grades yet being given for the school year.  Utilize the year filter to see previous final grades received.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Course Subject

(METADATA) - The subject area of the course - English, Math, Science, Social Studies, etc.  This is either from the subject field in the course master or the description for the NCES 2 digit code associated with this course.


Current Cumulative GPA

The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year.  This is the unweighted GPA.



Short name for the performance group:  A, B, C, NI, XL, P..  Full marks will be shortened - A, A+ or AH will all be represented here as A based upon Effort definitions in the Domains table. Student mark categories include A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, and No Credit.


Staff Name

Staff member's full name formatted last name, first name (e.g., Sinatra, Nancy).


Marks Count

What are the current GPAs of our students?

This metric shows the number of students by grade level that fall into the different GPA ranges.  This is the current GPA status and will only change when GPAs are updated in the SIS.  This metric is built to show the current year status and therefore will not respond to the year filter.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Current Cumulative GPA

The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year.  This is the unweighted GPA.



The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year.  This is the unweighted GPA.



The student's grade level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

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