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Students who enroll after the first day of school are considered new admissions whether their status is active or inactive. Students who are enrolled on the first day of school or who enroll and drop from the school the same day are not included in these metrics. However, if an enrolled student drops from the school during the school year and reenrolls, they are considered a new admission. Students who are assigned to a school but do not show up and then reenroll later during the school year are also considered new admissions.

YTD New Admissions

This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled since the first day of school this school year. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.


This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled since the first day of school this school year and who qualify to receive special education services. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.


This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled since the first day of school this school year and who qualify to receive English language services. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.


This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled since the first day of school this school year and who qualify to receive free or reduced lunch. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

5-day New Admissions

This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled in the last five school days. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

5-day New SPED

This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled in the last five school days and who qualify to receive special education services. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

5-day New ELL

This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled in the last five school days and who qualify to receive English language services. Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

5-day New F&RL

This metric block provides a count of students who have enrolled in the last five school days and who qualify to receive free or reduced lunch.  Click the metric block to display the list of students.

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How has our student admissions patterns changed year over year?

This metric displays the breakdown of admissions codes year over year.


Column Label / Definition


Admission Reason

Description of why/how the student was admitted to the school.  For example, First-time student,  District School (meaning from another school within the district), First-Time Student, etc.



The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

What are the 10 most frequent admission reasons?

This metric shows a breakdown of the entry codes most prominent for students who are entering the system. This metric does not include students with a continuing entry code; only students new to the system this school year.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Admission Reason

Description of why/how the student was admitted to the school.  For example, First-time student,  District School (meaning from another school within the district), First-Time Student, etc.



The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

What are the top 10 schools with the most new students?

This metric shows the top 10 schools with the highest number of new students this school year. Schools are organized in descending order by their number of new enrollments this year.  If your security profile is locked down to a specific campus, you will only see the bar for your site.

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Admission Reason

Description of why/how the student was admitted to the school.  For example, First-time student,  District School (meaning from another school within the district), First-Time Student, etc.



The date value MM/DD/YYYY corresponding to the day in the calendar for this record.  Only exists in table to provide production keys to the build process.



The full name of the school.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

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