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Chronic Absences - Student Analytics

Are Chronic Absences Concentrated in Specific Locations?

This metric surfaces where students who are chronically absent live in the community. Student addresses sync nightly with the Student Information System, are geo-coded, and then placed back onto the map.  The chronically absent classification includes all students whose attendance percentage for this school year is less than 90%. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled built into the metric; it includes all actively enrolled students regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district.

The mapping metric does not support exporting or printing but does support student drills. Use the Zoom In ( +  ) and Zoom Out ( - ) tools, the scroll function on your pointer or keyboard, or right-click and drag the pointer to interact with the map. Narrow down the map until you see white dots; hover the pointer over the dots to see the number of students who live at that location.  

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level



Do We Have Students that are Close to Being Chronically Absent?

This metric allows you to quickly gather the names of students in various stages of attendance concern. Click any bar to display a list of students in that attendance category as of the end of the day yesterday. The absence category classification utilizes the student’s attendance percentage for the school year to date. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled built into the metric; all actively enrolled students are included, regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district. 

At a district level, students who have switched schools within this school year will show in multiple categories as they will have a record for each school attended.

  • No Absence Issues includes students 100% to greater than 95% attendance.
  • Trending Chronic includes students 95% to greater than 92.5% attendance.
  • Nearly Chronic includes students 92.5% to greater than 90% attendance.
  • Chronically Absent includes students with less than 90% attendance.
TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level


% of Students

Which Grades Have the Most Chronically Absent Students?

This metric breaks out students in various stages of attendance concern by grade level. Click any bar to display a list of students in that grade and attendance category as of the end of the day yesterday. The absence category classification utilizes the student’s attendance percentage for the school year to date. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled built into the metric; all actively enrolled students are included, regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district. 

  • No Absence Issues includes students 100% to greater than 95% attendance.
  • Trending Chronic includes students 95% to greater than 92.5% attendance.
  • Nearly Chronic includes students 92.5 to greater than 90% attendance.
  • Chronically Absent includes students with less than 90% attendance.
TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level



The student's grade level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Which Subgroups Have the Most Chronically Absent Students?

This metric breaks out students in various stages of attendance concern by subgroup. Click any bar to display a list of students in that subgroup and attendance category as of the end of the day yesterday. The absence category classification utilizes the student’s attendance percentage for the school year to date. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled built into the metric; all actively enrolled students are included, regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district. 

  • No Absence Issues includes students 100% to greater than 95% attendance.
  • Trending Chronic includes students 95% to greater than 92.5% attendance.
  • Nearly Chronic includes students 92.5 to greater than 90% attendance.
  • Chronically Absent includes students with less than 90% attendance.
TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level



The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Which Schools Have the Most Chronically Absent Students?

This metric breaks out students in various stages of attendance concern by school. Click any bar to display a list of students in that subgroup and attendance category as of the end of the day yesterday. The absence category classification utilizes the student’s attendance percentage for the school year to date. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled built into the metric; all actively enrolled students are included, regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district. If your security profile is locked down to a specific campus, you will only see the bar for your site.

  • No Absence Issues includes students 100% to greater than 95% attendance.
  • Trending Chronic includes students 95% to greater than 92.5% attendance.
  • Nearly Chronic includes students 92.5 to greater than 90% attendance.
  • Chronically Absent includes students with less than 90% attendance.
TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level



The full name of the school.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Which Years Have the Most Chronically Absent Students?

This metric shows year-over-year trends for the various levels of absence concern.  Click any data point to display a list of students in the attendance category for that year. Prior years show end-of-year status for all students and include both active and inactive students as of the end of the school year. The current year shows the status as of the end of the day yesterday. The absence category classification utilizes the student’s attendance percentage for the school year to date. There are no restrictions regarding the number of days enrolled built into the metric; all actively enrolled students are included, regardless of the length of time they have been at the school or district. 

  • No Absence Issues includes students 100% to greater than 95% attendance.
  • Trending Chronic includes students 95% to greater than 92.5% attendance.
  • Nearly Chronic includes students 92.5 to greater than 90% attendance.
  • Chronically Absent includes students with less than 90% attendance.
TypeColumn Label / Definition

Chronic Level


School Year

(METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc.


% of Students by Year

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