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Create an intervention

  1. From the Utility Apps menu, choose MTSS Interventions.
  2. Select Start New Intervention. Alternatively, navigate to the Intervention Bank tab.
  3. On the Intervention Bank page, select an intervention plan and click Use This Plan. If needed, use filters to narrow down the list of intervention plans.

  4. On the Start New Intervention page, update the Intervention Name
  5. Navigate to the Students tab and add students as needed.
  6. Navigate to the Staff tab and add staff as needed.
  7. Navigate to the Schedule tab, and select the session dates.
    1. Select dates on the calendar to add sessions. The Start and End dates are adjusted based on your selection.
    2. Alternatively, use the Scheduling assistant to schedule sessions in advance and automatically populate the calendar. 
      1. For untimed interventions:
        1. Set the Start and End dates.
        2. Select Scheduling assistant.
        3. Set the Repeat interval.
        4. Select days per week.
        5. Click Update calendar.
      2. For timed interventions:
        1. Click Scheduling assistant.

        2. Specify the Start after date. 

        3. Choose the Total number of sessions (meetings) needed.

        4. Set the Repeat interval.

        5. Select days per week.

        6. Click Update calendar.
    3. To clear the calendar, click Clear selection.
  8. Navigate to the Resources tab and add or remove student support resources. 
    • Resources added to the Intervention Plan are added to the new intervention by default. You can remove these resources.
  9. If you are ready to start the intervention, click Start Intervention. Otherwise, click Save as Pending.
    1. You can now manage the intervention from the All Interventions page.
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