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Manage interventions

Use the All Interventions page to review active, pending, and closed interventions, track student progress, or add new interventions.

To access interventions, open the Utility Apps menu and choose MTSS Interventions.

  • Interventions tied to the current date are sorted at the top of the intervention listing. 
  • Use filters to narrow the interventions listing. 
  • Select an Intervention to open the intervention details.

Edit intervention

  1. From the intervention details page, select Manage Intervention.
  2. Make your updates to students, staff, scheduling, or support resources. 
    1. To update multiple students, select the students, choose Bulk Actions, and then select Change Status, Move to new Intervention, or Delete Students.
  3. Save your edits.

Update intervention notes

You can create notes for the entire intervention or for individual students.

  1. Select Intervention Notes.
  2. On the Notes page, click Add New Note to create a note or Reply to respond to an existing note.
  3. Enter the note details.
  4. Select whether the note is Private or Public.
  5. If needed, link the note to a student.
  6. Click Save.

Update meeting attendance, observations, and goals


  1. In the Selected Meeting section, navigate to the Attendance tab.
  2. Select a meeting date.
  3. Enter the attendance for one or more students.  
    1. To record attendance for an individual student:
      1. Select an attendance status icon to indicate if the student was present (checkmark icon), tardy (clock icon), or absent (minus icon).
      2. If needed, enter the number of minutes the student attended the meeting.
    2. To record attendance for multiple students:
      1. Select the students, choose Bulk options, and then choose Set Attendance or Add Time Attended.
      2. Select the attendance status or enter the number of minutes the selected students attended the meeting.

Attendance percentage is the total number of present or tardy sessions divided by the total number of recorded sessions.


  1. In the Selected Meeting section, navigate to the Observations tab.
  2. Select a meeting date.
  3. Choose an Observations label for each student to record the student's progress for the meeting. Alternatively, select multiple students, choose Bulk options, and then choose Set Observations.


  1. In the Selected Meeting section, navigate to the Goals tab.

  2. Select a meeting date.

  3. Enter goal scores for one or more students.

    1. To add scores for individual students, enter a Score value for the student.
    2. To add scores for multiple students, select the students, choose Bulk options, and then choose Add Goal Score.

      1. Select a Goal and enter a Score value for all selected students.
    3. Review the score values and click Add Goal Scores.
  4. Alternatively, retrieve assessment, attendance, and behavior scores for all applicable students.

    Retrieved scores will overwrite existing score values for the selected goal and day.

    1. Click Retrieve Data.
    2. Choose a Goal.
    3. To retrieve assessment data:
      1. Set the Data Type to Assessment
      2. Choose a School Year.
      3. Select the Assessment Source, Assessment SubjectAssessment Name., and then Score Type.
    4. To retrieve attendance data:
      1. Set the Data Type to Attendance
      2. Select the Attendance Type, Time Frame, Dataset, and then Score Calculation.
    5. To retrieve behavior data:
      1. Set the Data Type to Behavior
      2. To retrieve behavior action data:
        1. Set the Behavior Type to Actions.
        2. Select one or more Action Types.
        3. Select the Time Frame, Dataset, and then Score Calculation.
      3. To retrieve behavior incidents data:
        1. Set the Behavior Type to Incidents.
        2. Select one or more Incident Types.
        3. Select the Time Frame, and then Score Calculation.
    6. In the Data Preview panel, review the score values and choose Retrieve Data.
  5. To refresh the scores for the meeting date, click Refresh Data. This updates the scores based on the plan’s goal configuration or the settings used to retrieve goal data.

Compare students' progress

Compare how students are progressing for attendance, observations, and goals. You can view an individual student's progress or compare multiple students' progress.

  1. In the Selected Meeting section, navigate to Attendance, Observations, or Goals.
  2. Click Compare Students
  3. On the Compare Students page, select one or more students to compare. You can select a total of ten students.

Print a student intervention report card

  1. In the Selected Meeting section, navigate to the Student Overview tab.
  2. From the student card menu, select Print report.
  3. Choose one or more goals to print.
    • Goals are listed by creation date and time.
    • You must select at least one goal.
  4. Click Print preview.
  5. From the PDF viewer, Print or Download the report.
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