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Enrollment Overview

Enrollment Information

This metric provides a view into the demographic breakdown of all students who are actively enrolled in the Student Information System as of the end of the day yesterday. Click any data point to display a list of students in the demographic category for that year. Only active students are included when drilling into the metric. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Student Subgroup

Students having a particular demographic characteristic. Examples: race, gender, EL, SPED.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How has our enrollment and exit numbers changed year over year?

This metric shows a breakdown of the number of students with different codes in the SIS. Codes displayed may include a variety from both the enrollment and withdrawal categories. Only the most recent code will show for each student. Click any data point to display a list of students with that code for that year. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition

School Year

(METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc.



A high-level status grouping: Active, Pre-Enrolled, Expelled, Transferred-Out, Graduated, etc.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Where are students in our district?

This metric displays where students who are actively enrolled in the Student Information System live in the community. Student addresses sync nightly with the Student Information System, are geo-coded, and then placed back onto the map.  Geo-coding occurs at the neighborhood level, not the individual house level.  Students that live in locations that are close together may show up with the same coordinates.

The mapping metric does not support exporting or printing but does support student drills. Use the Zoom In ( +  ) and Zoom Out ( - ) tools, the scroll function on your pointer or keyboard, or right-click and drag the pointer to interact with the map. Narrow down the map until you see white dots; hover the pointer over the dots to see the number of students who live at that location. Click a dot to get to the student list. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition


How has our student diversity changed year over year?

This metric shows year-over-year trends for students broken out by ethnicity. Each year displays all students who were enrolled at any point during the school year. Click any data point to display a list of students in that ethnicity category for that year. When drilling into the metric, the Status field indicates if the student was active in the system as of the end of the day yesterday. 

DefinitionColumn Label / Definition


The student's primary racial background: Am. Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White, Multiple, etc.


School Year

(METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How many students are currently in each grade?

This metric displays how many students are enrolled in each grade level as of the end of the day yesterday. Only actively enrolled students show on this metric. Click any bar to display a list of students in that grade level. 

DefinitionColumn Label / Definition


The student's grade level.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How many students have changed schools?

This metric allows you to quickly gather the names of students who have attended more than one campus in your district this past year. Click any bar to display a list of students that have attended as many in-district schools as of the end of the day yesterday. 

DefinitionColumn Label / Definition


The number of times a student has changed schools during the past 365 days (past 12 months).


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How has SPED enrollment changed from year to year?

This metric shows year-over-year trends for students who qualify for special education versus those who do not. Each year displays all students who were enrolled at any point during the school year.  Students who re-classify out of special education will show only in the non-special education bar for that year. Click any bar to display a list of students in that category for that year. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition

School Year

(METADATA) - The contemporaneous school year for this student annual attributes record. Formatted 1999-2000, 2002-2003, etc.



Indicates whether the student is currently receiving Special Education services (Y/N).


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

How many students are currently in each school?

This metric displays how many students are enrolled in each school as of the end of the day yesterday. Only actively enrolled students show on this metric. Click any bar to display a list of students enrolled on that campus. 

DefinitionColumn Label / Definition


The full name of the school.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

What grades are being served by programs?

This metric pulls information about special program participation stored in the Student Information System. It is disaggregated by grade level. The legend for the metric displays every special program captured. Each color of the stacked bars corresponds to a specific program. Only actively enrolled students show on this metric. Click any bar to display a list of students in that program for that grade level. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The student's grade level.


Program Group


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

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