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Manage groups

After you create a group, you can update, delete, or share the group.  

Update a group

  1. From the main menu, choose Utility Apps, and then Manage Groups.
  2. Locate the group and click the Edit (pencil) icon.
  3. Update group settings as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a group

  1. From the main menu, choose Utility Apps, and then Manage Groups.
  2. Locate the group and click the Delete (trash) icon.
  3. Click OK.

Share a group

  1. From the main menu, choose Utility Apps, and then Manage Groups.
  2. Locate the group and click the Share icon on the group record.
  3. Choose to Share with User or Share with User Group.
    1. Use the Search fields to locate users or user groups.
    2. Select users or groups by choosing a Permission setting:
      • Read-only: Users can only display the group in the Manage Groups application and use it for filtering within dashboards.
      • Collaborate: Users can add other members and update group settings.
  4. Click Save.

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