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Manage groups - Utility apps

Using the Portal, you can create a group on-demand either manually or through drilling to a Student list. You can then use the group in dashboard metrics that are set up to filter or disaggregate by group. The usage of a group filter limits the data returned in the metric to show only the data available for the group members.

To access and manage groups in the Manage Groups application, choose Utility Apps, and then Manage Groups from the main menu.

Group definition

A group consists of a combination of OwnerType, and Origin.

  • The group owner denotes if the group is owned by an individual user or is public.
    • Private groups are only visible to the user who created them (unless shared).
    • Public groups are visible to all dashboard users. 
  • The group type notes the type of group: StudentSchoolCourse, or Staff. The group type is configurable and can vary by deployment. At this time, only Student groups are fully supported.
  • The group origin (member source) determines how the group is created and managed.
    • Manual groups are created and maintained by the creator of the group. 
    • Dynamic from Rules groups are built each night dynamically from a database query defining the group. 
    • External Source groups are typically loaded from a source system outside the dashboard.


Groups utilize row-level security to prevent users from seeing student-specific data they are not permitted to see. If a group contains a student that a user does not have access to, that group is removed from display and detail. The student will continue to exist in the group for those users that have access to that student.

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