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Color palettes

A Color Palette is a list of colors. Various configurations in the Portal allow a developer to provide a color palette that can be used to color some parts of the interface. Defining these colors in a palette ensures you can consistently apply the same colors throughout the Portal and adjust them in one place if needed.

Color palette editor

If permissions allow, you can add and maintain color palettes using the color palette editor.

To open the editor:

  1. Choose Content Definitions in the Navigation tree, then Palettes.
  2. Open the appropriate Color Palette folder.
  3. To add a new palette, choose +New, then Color Palette.
    1. Enter a Name and Description.
    2. Click Save.
  4. To edit an existing palette, select the color palette and click the Edit (pencil) button.
  5. To modify the Name or Description while editing a palette, click Properties in the top left corner of the interface.
  6. To add a new color to a palette, click +Add Color.
  7. To remove a color from a palette click the red X button next to the color.
  8. To edit the color using a color picker, click the Preview of the current color on the left side of the color. Alternatively, you can manually edit the RGB values.
  9. To reorder colors, hover over the color's name, then hold left-click and drag the color to a new position.

Color palette properties

To view Color Palette properties, choose Content Definitions in the Navigation Tree, then Palettes. Left-click any color palette to view its properties.

Palette ColorsThe array of RGB color values that are currently assigned to this palette.
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