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Performance Indicators

Where are our students located?

This metric displays where students who are actively enrolled in the Student Information System live in the community. Student addresses sync nightly with the Student Information System, are geo-coded, and then placed back onto the map.  

The mapping metric does not support exporting or printing but does support student drills. Use the Zoom In ( +  ) and Zoom Out ( - ) tools, the scroll function on your pointer or keyboard, or right-click and drag the pointer to interact with the map. Narrow down the map until you see white dots; hover the pointer over the dots to see the number of students who live at that location. Click a dot to get to the student list. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition


Demographic Information

This metric provides a view into the demographic breakdown of all students who are actively enrolled in the Student Information System as of the end of the day yesterday. Click any data point to display a list of students in the demographic category for that year. Only active students are included when drilling into the metric. 

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Student Subgroup

Students having a particular demographic characteristic. Examples: race, gender, EL, SPED.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

Last 30 Days Attendance

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% Attendance

Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance.

Year-to-date Attendance

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% Attendance

Total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance.

Chronic Absenteeism

TypeColumn Label / Definition

% of Students

Absent Yesterday

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Absence Reason

The primary reason for the absence.  The primary reason is the one assigned if both morning & afternoon absence reasons matched, or if only a single reason was assigned for the morning or afternoon, or the morning reason if morning & afternoon reasons differ.  If a class spans 2 or 3 periods it will typically have 2 or 3 absence entries (one for each period) and the reason could potentially vary and the primary reason would be the most cited one.  Typical values include Unexcused, Medical, Athletic, NA (Not Applicable), etc.  Reasons can (and often do) vary by School.


# Students

The unique count of students. Each student is counted only once.

What grades are students receiving in core courses?

TypeColumn Label / Definition

Course Subject

(METADATA) - The subject area of the course - English, Math, Science, Social Studies, etc.  This is either from the subject field in the course master or the description for the NCES 2 digit code associated with this course.



Short name for the performance group:  A, B, C, NI, XL, P..  Full marks will be shortened - A, A+ or AH will all be represented here as A based upon Effort definitions in the Domains table. Student mark categories include A, B, C, D, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pass, Incomplete, and No Credit.


Staff Name

Staff member's full name formatted last name, first name (e.g., Sinatra, Nancy).


Marks Count

Are incidents decreasing week over week?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


(METADATA) - The number of the instructional week in the calendar of the district or school (1,2,3…). Typically values 1 through 36 or 40 and set to 0 for days that are not included in a defined instructional week.



The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.


# Offenses

The number of discipline incidences entered into the system.

How are students performing on the ELA benchmark assessment?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.


Test Result

How was the result of this test attempt classified: Meets, Exceeds, Passed 9th Grade Proficiency, Failed 9th or 12th Prof, Waiver Req-Pending/Granted, Not minimum prof 4-6 only, ESL Level II.


Test Group



The number of individual data elements included.

How are students performing on the ELA state assessment?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.


Test Result

How was the result of this test attempt classified: Meets, Exceeds, Passed 9th Grade Proficiency, Failed 9th or 12th Prof, Waiver Req-Pending/Granted, Not minimum prof 4-6 only, ESL Level II.


Test Group



The number of individual data elements included.

How are students performing on the Math benchmark assessment?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.


Test Result

How was the result of this test attempt classified: Meets, Exceeds, Passed 9th Grade Proficiency, Failed 9th or 12th Prof, Waiver Req-Pending/Granted, Not minimum prof 4-6 only, ESL Level II.



The number of individual data elements included.

How are students performing on the Math state assessment?

TypeColumn Label / Definition


The school year for the related school. 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, etc. Note that dates outside the defined school year are set to School Year of 0.


Test Result

How was the result of this test attempt classified: Meets, Exceeds, Passed 9th Grade Proficiency, Failed 9th or 12th Prof, Waiver Req-Pending/Granted, Not minimum prof 4-6 only, ESL Level II.



The number of individual data elements included.

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