Where are SPED Students Receiving Services?
This metric surfaces where students who are actively enrolled in the Student Information System and who qualify to receive special education services attend school. Click any bar to display the list of students actively enrolled on that campus as of the end of the school day yesterday.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Location |
Which students are receiving program services?
This metric pulls information about special program participation stored in the Student Information System. Students may be found on the list multiple times if they are receiving multiple services. Utilize the sort and filter features to limit the table to specific date ranges or programs.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Begin Date |
Dimension | Days The number of school days in which the student was a member of this program based loosely upon the start and end dates defined in the student system. The number is calculated using the school calendar for either the program school or the Administrative school if no school was assigned. Weekends and holidays are excluded as are dates outside the school year ()summer). |
Dimension | ELL Indicates whether the student is currently active in an English as a Second Language program (Yes or No)? If the student is withdrawn and was participating in ESL at the time of withdrawing then they will be set to Yes. |
Dimension | End Date |
Dimension | Gender Female, Male, or X (Gender not exclusively Male or Female). |
Dimension | Grade The student's grade level. |
Dimension | Student name The student's full name: last name, first name, middle initial, and suffix (Kirk, James T. Jr.) |
Dimension | Photo The most currently provided student picture. |
Dimension | Program Group |
Dimension | Program Name The descriptive names for the programs as defined in the student information system. Title I Reading, Alternative Lottery, ESL Pullout, etc. |
Dimension | School The full name of the school. |
Dimension | SPED Indicates (Yes/No) whether the student is currently receiving special education services (either in regular classroom or special ed unit). |
Dimension | Status Indicates if the status of the student's program membership: Pending if the start date is later than today; Expired is the end date is prior to today and Active if today is between the start and end date of the program assignment. The status will be set to Deleted if that record is removed from the Student Information System. |
Dimension | Student ID The student's code or ID number for the SIS system. This is padded with proceeding zeros to seven positions (e.g., 82901 becomes 0082901). |