Student Datawall
Student Datawall
The assessment scores in this metric display the highest available scale score for the mentioned assessment and the school year.
Type | Column Label / Definition |
Dimension | Student ID The student's code or ID number for the SIS system. This is padded with proceeding zeros to seven positions (e.g., 82901 becomes 0082901). |
Dimension | Student name The student's full name: last name, first name, middle initial, and suffix (Kirk, James T. Jr.) |
Dimension | Current Grade The student's grade level. |
Dimension | Current School School name where the student is currently enrolled - Beechcroft High School, Welcome Center at North, Prof. Inst. Walnut Ridge Hs, etc. Use in reports & analyses only as a student attribute - enrollment fact data should be used for student profiles. |
Dimension | Gender Female, Male, or X (Gender not exclusively Male or Female). |
Dimension | Ethnicity The student's primary racial background: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, Unknown/Unspecified, White. |
Dimension | SPED Indicates (Yes/No) whether the student is currently receiving special education services (either in regular classroom or special ed unit). |
Dimension | 504 |
Dimension | Gifted |
Dimension | ELL Indicates whether the student is currently active in an English as a Second Language program (Yes or No)? If the student is withdrawn and was participating in ESL at the time of withdrawing then they will be set to Yes. |
Measure | Membership days YTD The number of days the student has been enrolled in the district for the current year. |
Measure | Attendance % YTD The total number of days attended divided by the total possible days of attendance for the current school year. |
Measure | # of Current year D’s The number of D grades the student has received in both final and progress marks type in all courses in the current year. |
Measure | # of Current year F’s The number of F grades the student has received in both final and progress marks type in all courses in the current year. |
Measure | Course Failures The number of F grades the student has received in the final marks type in all courses in the current year. |
Measure | GPA The student's cumulative GPA calculated and frozen from the previous school year. This is the unweighted GPA. |
Measure | # of discipline incidents The number of incidents reported for the student in the current school year. |
Measure | Total suspensions The number of suspensions in school and out of school in the current year. |
Measure | Total days suspended The total number of days for which the student was suspended either in school and out of school in the current year. |
Measure | ELA fall interim (current year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects in fall interim assessments for the current school year. |
Measure | ELA winter interim (current year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects in winter interim assessments for the current school year. |
Measure | ELA spring interim (current year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects in spring interim assessments for the current school year. |
Measure | Math fall interim (current year) The maximum score received in math subjects in fall interim assessments for the current school year. |
Measure | Math winter interim (current year) The maximum score received in math subjects in winter interim assessments for the current school year. |
Measure | Math spring interim (current year) The maximum score received in math subjects in spring interim assessments for the current school year. |
Measure | ELA fall interim (prior year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects in fall interim assessments for the previous school year. |
Measure | ELA winter interim (prior year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects in winter interim assessments for the previous school year. |
Measure | ELA spring interim (prior year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects in spring interim assessments for the previous school year. |
Measure | Math fall interim (prior year) The maximum score received in math subjects in fall interim assessments for the previous school year. |
Measure | Math winter interim (prior year) The maximum score received in math subjects in winter interim assessments for the previous school year. |
Measure | Math spring interim (prior year) The maximum score received in math subjects in spring interim assessments for the previous school year. |
Measure | ELA State (current year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects for the current school year. |
Measure | Math State (current year) The maximum score received in math subjects for the current school year. |
Measure | ELA State (prior year) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects for the previous school year. |
Measure | Math State (prior year) The maximum score received in math subjects for the previous school year. |
Measure | ELA State (two years prior) The maximum score received in English language arts subjects two school years prior. |
Measure | Math State (two years prior) The maximum score received in math subjects two school years prior. |