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System variables

System variables are visible to all components of the Portal:

  • domaincode: The code of the domain used when the user logged into the Portal. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • domainname: The name of the domain used when the user logged into the Portal. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • tenantcode: The tenant code of the domain used when the user logged into the Portal. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • username: The username that the user used to log into the Portal. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • userid: The unique object ID of the user. This does NOT use single quotes around the value by default.
  • useremail: The email address of the user. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • userfullname: The full name of this user. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • sessionid: The session ID on the Java app server being used by the user. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • userlastlogindate: The date of the user's last login. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
  • userlastlogindatetime: The date and time of the user's last login. Uses single quotes around the value by default.
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